wine on the keyboard

June 2012

Bountiful Harvest

by Kay~Kacey on 6/6/2012

Well, not. It appears that this might be our lone green bean producing plant. But I’m stupidly excited about it!!

green bean plant…and for some reason, it’s in the middle of the flower garden, not our incredibly tiny veggie garden. Well, we call it a veggie garden…but really, it just basically provides basil and mint for mojitos all summer… :hysterical:

Okay, it does have one tomatoe plant. Some asparagus we’ve been trying to grow for 3 years now…and this one bean plant. Just not enough sun in the backyard to grow much. But wait until we have a super sized garden at the new place in Columbia!!! Next year, my friends. Next year.

It is so hard for me

by Kay~Kacey on 6/4/2012

Yes, it is so hard for me to get family photos. Here I was trying to get a few photos of the kids and their dogs…but I got photos like this:

3 is a crowd

My sister…who never likes her photo taken…jumped right in here on this one…

sweaty boyOr sweaty Michael and Lauren…she doesn’t look too into that sweaty kiss, now does she?? :heart:

Finally, a bit of cooperation:

family dog portraitNotice Lauren is still not getting very close to sweaty Michael…

family with dogMatt & Steph with Boo. They graciously had this family get together on their new back patio. Such a good time.

cousins and dogHere the cousins (who will get into who knows how much trouble at Mizzou this coming year…) with Charlie. They stole a dog for this photo. Not sure where Timmy’s Louie was at this point. Probably off being fed table food by SuperGuy…

I took a bunch of photos at Tyler’s graduation party last night. (Tyler, my nephew, in the above photo with the blue shorts and new from the outlet mall shirt) More will be up on my photography blog on the 10th. A group of photography friends have a 10 on 10 blog circle going. We try and take 10 photos during the month to record things going on in our lives. It’s fun. I’ll link it up here after it goes up. Lots more silly photos from last night.