wine on the keyboard

Old Ramblings

Jump Right In

by Kay~Kacey on 1/14/2007

So I jumped right past that whole fear of first page, and I’m busy on a proposal for Super Romance. It’s a little cutting edge, so we’ll see how it flies. Anyway I’m at the point where I have to write the synopsis :wallbash:

My usual method is to get an idea, mull it over, write the first 3 chapters or so to get to know the charcters. Write the synopsis, then rewrite the first 3 chapters :mrgreen: :typing:

I find that if I can really nail down the GMC for both the hero and heroine, and their character arc, I can really get a handle on the story and avoid the whole sagging middle. But I just beat my head against the wall trying to really, REALLY nail down the whole GMC/ Character arc thing. I sometimes think I over analyze this. 🙄 But I also know that if I DON’T really nail this down, I wander off in tangents on my manuscript.

Now, I don’t plan out every detail. I find that just know the above will allow me to sit down and write the book. Quite often the black moment changes by the time the book is finished though. :mad2:

How about you? Do you really think about this stuff? Know the GMC and what the character has to learn before you’re very far into the book?

Another one finished!

by Kay~Kacey on 1/9/2007

I had a day off today from my pesky day job. I canNOT believe how much writing I got done. It’s almost scary to think how much writing I could do, if not for the pesky day job. But, alas, the PDJ pays the bills.

BUT!!! :beer:

I finally finished the revisions that I SWORE were going to be finished in December. 🙄 That manuscript is going out the door tomorrow. Winging its way to New York. Hopefully I nailed the conflict right this time for the editor.

Fun times now! A new story! I’m so ready to write new words instead of work on shredding revising my old manuscript.

Of course now I have to face that whole fear of first page thing. And decide which story I want to work on next. :crazy2:

Juggling January

by Kay~Kacey on 1/2/2007

You know… there’s always too much to do, and writing gets pushed to the side. Family, pesky day job, house, cooking, kids’ sports.

But this month we’re concentrating on juggling all that stuff to get to the GOOD STUFF :typing: , ie, writing time. Lots more writing time. What can you just ignore? What can you coerce someone into doing for you or demand ask nicely :mrgreen: that someone else does it?

Our critique group does an awesome job with goals every January. Really. We’re the best…but somewhere along the year things die down. We forget to recheck our goals. See if we’re on track. We decide the family room HAS to be vaccumed and the sheets need to be washed TODAY. We’re stressed about this or that. And the page count goes down…

Or…even more brilliant…we say we’re THINKING and PLANNING. Instead of, you know, WRITING.

But this year we resolve :crazy2: to keep on track and make each other accountable for their goals. Time will tell on how well we do with this.

But in the mean time…Juggling January. No excuses. Move stuff around in our lives and find more time to write!