wine on the keyboard

Kindle Love

by Kay~Kacey on 3/5/2010

Okay, I confess. I love my Kindle ebook reader. Seriously. Love. It. :love:


SuperGuy should be jealous! :toofunny: Here it is one morning as SuperGuy and I were reading over a couple cups of coffee on a cloudy day at sea.


I love how I can make the font big, so I don’t need to use my reading glasses. Love, LOVE that. I can wear my good sunglasses and still see to read. (You don’t even want to know that I used to put on reading glasses, then good sunglasses over them to read in the sun. Yes, I know they make reading sunglasses, but they aren’t very good.)


After I bought the Kindle…specifically to bring on the cruise, mind you, I immediately downloaded the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. I’ve read the first two books in the series when they first came out, but since it’s been years, I decided to reread those then finish the series. Her books are like 500-700 pages. It’s SO easy to hold the Kindle instead of fight big old fat books. Oh, and did I mention the large font size? 😆


Yes, we read out on our balcony on the cruise too. You can turn the pages of the Kindle with your left or right thumb pressing a button. Very nice.


The screen savers are fun too! They have photos of different authors. It’s very easy to read and I don’t get eye strain from reading it. You can see it perfectly in the sunshine or other light. If you want to read in the dark though, you need to get one of those clamp on lights. Which I did. A pretty pink one. (hm, should have taken a photo of that too. Ah, well, another day.) I wish you could share your books (I swap books with a friend or my mom all the time, so this is going to dampen that somewhat.)

I thought I’d miss the feel and smell of a “real” book, but I got over that pronto when I realized how lightweight the Kindle is. Oh, and did I mention you can increase the font? :woot:

Do any of you have the Kindle, the Sony ereader, or the Nook? Do you love it? Hate it?

You’ve Heard of Miss America?

by Kay~Kacey on 3/4/2010

You’ve heard of Miss America and Miss USA, right? Maybe even Miss Insert-your-state-here. Well, Mississippi goes to GREAT length with their Miss Titles. For instance…


Miss Highway Patrol? What did she have to do to get that title???


Miss Craft Center? Rather a benign title, but whatever. Hm, is that some knitting, sewing, quilting title or what?

Miss-5753Here they were just handing out titles willy nilly. Miss State University. Miss Valley State University. Miss University for Women.

I’m just sayin’, if you want to win a title, I think you should move to Mississippi, because as you can see, they freely give out titles in this state.

The title that started off this whole discussion on our road trip? Miss Juvenile Detention Center. Wow, her mother must be so proud… :rofl:

Why, yes, we do get slap happy on our long road trips, why do you ask?? :crazy:

Mississippi Road Trip

by Kay~Kacey on 3/3/2010

Now don’t be trash talkin’ my Mississippi, ’cause we used to have this cute little farm there in Carriere, Mississippi…right out of Picayune 😀 But I still thought I’d share some thoughts of a road trip in Mississippi. We took highway 55 the length of the state.

mississippi-5732We have fond memories of driving through Mississippi with all the boys in the car, going back and forth from Mississippi or on our trips to Gulf Shores. Like the first time my oldest glanced up at this road sign and said “WHAT did that say???” :crazy:  Yep, at a quick glance it DOES look like it says that, doesn’t it??


Or when we drive past this and one of the boys is sure to nudge his brother and say “what does that remind you of?” :rofl: Ah, boys will be boys.


The mistletoe grows wild in the trees there, gathering in big clumps on the now bare branches. I think SuperGuy should have stopped the car and kissed me under this tree, don’t you?? :love2: What a waste of all the mistletoe!

mississippi-5748 ..and I’m not trash talkin’ Mississippi here…but seriously…all their rest areas were closed. The entire length of the state.


Every. One. What is up with that?? It got to be a joke with us…luckily the car needed gas so SuperGuy finally gave me a bathroom break! :crazy:


We pass by our town. Pickens!! not  Yazoo City!! Silly people!!


Seriously? Foreign Trade Zone?? Who do they consider foreign? Arkansas??


You drive along for miles with the tall “pahnz” along side the road. (we call them pines up north…) Very pretty. Notice the definite lack of snow on the ground. Even prettier! We love Mississippi with the slower life style, the kind people, the cute accents. Sigh.

Well, there you have it. It’s not every day that you get to read a travelogue of a road trip through Mississippi. You heard it here first, folks!