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Happy 25th Anniversary

by Kay~Kacey on 6/14/2011

Ah, 25 years of wedded bliss…well, most of them I guess. :love2: My baby sister and brother-in-law are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary.


They escaped to a tropical paradise to celebrate. So jealous. I’m here holding down the fort.

I hope you two are having a fabulous time.  I hope you don’t mind  I said yes,  Tyler could get a new puppy while you’re gone…   :hysterical: I’m such a good Aunt… Oh, and the boys only had one teeny tiny party. Really, the cops weren’t called until after midnight.  Oh, and I’m sure that stain will come out of your carpet eventually…. Enjoy your trip 😉

Love you guys, happy anniversary! :heart:

Happy Birthday

by Kay~Kacey on 4/12/2011

Happy Birthday to my favorite son.

young boy

Here he is as a young boy. Always, always wearing an extra large tshirt. Quite often on backwards…

fishing photo

He loved to fish as a young boy…probably because he always, always caught the biggest fish. (notice he’s still wearing the over sized shirt…)

poker hat

He’s always had his own way of doing things…


Here he is, my engineer son, fascinated by my wheelo…

pat obriens

Here we were at Pat O’Brien’s on a trip to New Orleans…and if the truth be told, I believe this was our second time there in one day… Along with his adorable wife.


One of my favorite photos of Matt & Steph…because they are just. that. fun.

Happy Birthday, Mattie. You are my favorite!

Merry Christmas from the Happy Couple

by Kay~Kacey on 12/24/2010

rudolph and clariceRudolph and Clarice, of course!

May your holidays be filled with family and friends. Laughter and song.

Rudolph the red nosed reindeerMay you find a bit of quiet time too. It’s always nice to find a bit of quiet among the chaos.

hermie the dentistHere is Hermie, my second favorite dentist in the whole wide world. :heart:

The abomidable snowman Stay safe and healthy over the holidays…and don’t let The Abominable Snowman get you!! (but if he does, remember, Bumbles Bounce!..what that has to do with anything, well, I’m not sure…)

Merry Christmas!