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wine on the keyboard


Pure Evil

by Kay~Kacey on 4/18/2011

These are pure evil.

reeses mini chocolates

SuperGuy came home with these. I think I hate him. These are SO good. No messing with unwrapping them like the regular Reeses. Just straight for the chocolate.

mini chocolates

I am a weak woman. I couldn’t stop eating them. I made SuperGuy hide them from me.

reeses minis

Then when he left, I searched the house and found them…They are evil, I tell you. Pure evil. That is all.

I’m Not Above Bribery

by Kay~Kacey on 2/15/2011

chocolate as bribery

Really, I’ve been know to bribe myself to get projects finished. Do you do that? Like, say, I can check my email if I finish balancing my checkbook. I can go browse the photography forum after I clean the kitchen. But the best bribe? The best motivator? Chocolate. Seriously.

I’m thinking I’m going to need a LOT of chocolate to bribe my way through finishing up our taxes!

So what do you do to motivate–or bribe–yourself?

Sometimes What a Woman Needs Is…

by Kay~Kacey on 2/11/2010



Just sayin’

The End.