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wine on the keyboard


We’ve Moved In

by Kay~Kacey on 11/5/2012

Oh, my gosh. What a whirlwind couple of weeks! We’ve moved into the yet unnamed new house. I’m not sure how we got from almost finished to moved in…but we are…and I’m exhausted. I present…the new, unnamed house:

front of house

Isn’t she pretty??? :heart:  Look! No construction trucks in front of her! (notice SuperGuy did plant me some mums in the front there. I needed a bit of “feels like home” added to the front.)

Next is my terribly not a bit unpacked office. I can’t wait to dig in and sort and organize it. You know, after a bazillion other things that need to be finished. I swear…and remind me of this…I will NEVER move without professional movers again. Swear it.

messy office

Here is our kind of sparse great room. Need photos on the wall and I MUST go antiquing for a few more things, don’t you think?? (ignore the dog toys scattered everywhere and the xpen across the stairs to the lower level…we’re only giving the puppies so much freedom until they get used to the new house.) Oh, and yes, that is my kitchen table in the background…that will be another whole post…

great room

We don’t exactly have the window treatments figured out…. :hysterical:  We’re not going to have many, but I do want them on this side of our house where our bedroom is.

temporary curtains

Our lovely kitchen. SuperGuy has cooked about one hundred bazillion meals on his gas stove so far…


And the view out our bedroom window…with Murphy looking in trying to figure out where the heck he is and how does he get back inside 😉

out the picture window

More photos to come later this week…because I’m sure you all could care less are dying to know what happened at the rocks that SuperGuy was SO worried about where they should go…right???

The Love Nest – Chapter Two

by Kay~Kacey on 12/7/2010

Ah, our new Love Nest.

New House

I’ve finally recovered enough to post some photos…isn’t she cute?? I love our New Love Nest!

We’re having a running debate on furniture arrangement…but this is what SuperGuy came up with…for now. Until I out vote him. :hysterical:  I love the gas fireplace. Flip a switch on the wall and it’s on. Another switch and it has a heat fan thingie ™ that blows the hot air out. Love. Look at all those bare walls that beg for photos!

bedroom cove lighting

Here is our darling bedroom. See that cove lighting up at the ceiling?? Love and adore that!! :heart:

reading corner

And my reading corner right by the window. (The big ugly TV is going away, but SuperGuy doesn’t know that yet. :secret: )

male decorating

male decorating

As if!! SuperGuy’s way to hide the big mollie bolts poking out from the kitchen wall. Right. I especially love his choice of the outdoor thermometer up there. :loser:

Here’s the view out our kitchen. Yes, I don’t know either? Why would someone strip out the branches of that dead tree and leave that huge tree stump?? I see a chainsaw in SuperGuy’s future. Behind those trees is some land they cleared out to put in flood pipe thingies, then past that is a creek. (Grindstone creek, Annie.).

So we’re supposed to have internet turned on this week, thank goodness!! I missed you guys. Plus getting satellite TV set up…with a DVR…which we’ve never had (Vicki, did you see that? We’re moving into this century, slowly but surely!).  Anyway, lots to do. Painting. Washer and dryer. SuperGuy is chomping at the bit to fix up the yard, but most of that will have to wait until spring.

Anyway, there she is. The Love Nest – Chapter Two. :love2:

I Never Want to See This Again.

by Kay~Kacey on 12/6/2010


Seriously. I never want to see another set of stairs. As God as my witness, I’ll never go hungry again I never live in a third story walk up apartment.

I. Am. So. Sore.


I’m so over stairs.

As an aside, if you ever want to, you know, forego buying a stairmaster exerciser…you could look into moving in and out of this apartment…

As another aside, SuperGuy conveniently got tied up at work on Friday,  so The Impish One (my favorite son!! :heart: ) carried every stinkin’ thing in the apartment down to the moving van except the couch, bed, table, and recliner. SuperGuy owes me. Big time. Just sayin’.

At this point, I seriously wanted to cry. So much stuff. So many stairs. So in my totally grown up mature manner…I went to the bakery and bought donuts and fresh cold milk. (see it back there on the table?) I needed a bit of comfort food.

Anyway, we got moved in. The Love Nest has moved. I have photos and tales to tell…but for now? I’ve got a hot bath with my name on it and a good glass of wine. So. Sore.