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wine on the keyboard


The Actual Door

by Kay~Kacey on 11/18/2009

Well, we did actually get a new front door. Unfortunately, similar to the lock…we’re not having very good luck with it.


As soon as the contractor left, we noticed you could see daylight coming through at the top and bottom of the door opening. :wallbash:

So we called the contractor who said, “oh, yeah, the kit was missing some of the weather stripping thingies. I’ll get them from the door manufacturer and come back.”

It’s also a double door and the “dummy” door doesn’t fit very securely. Yes, they’ll need to fix that too.

Sigh. Did I mention I’m so not good with this remodeling stuff?

The windows in the door are beautiful though. They let so much light into our front hallway. Love that. :love:


I need to pull out my macro and take a closeup of that glass. Bet it would make a good texture overlay for photos…

There is enough character and/or wavey-ness to the glass that you can’t see inside either. Even with the lights on inside at night. I won’t tell you how we tested that theory… 😯

Now I’m in paint chip heck, trying to pick out the perfect red color to paint the door. The painter is supposed to be here the end of the week. He’s also going to paint our stairwell inside that needs scaffolding to be painted. SuperGuy just isn’t into scaffolding painting. (He’s afraid of heights!!) :secret:

Well, I’m back to staring at paint chips. . .