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wine on the keyboard


I am fairly certain

by Kay~Kacey on 6/15/2011

…that I have fallen hopelessly and totally in love with knockout roses.

knockout rose bush

I’m pretty certain that this pink rose bush is my absolute fav.

We planted some over at The Love Nest. I want more…I’m greedy like that. I want a whole row of them up against the back of the house. SuperGuy wanted only white flowers in the back at The Love Nest…but I shot him down… I actually won that argument.  Not telling how… :angel:

double pink knockout rosesI really love the double pinks. They are so very, very pretty.

Where have these roses been all my life?? Seriously, the only thing that could make them better is if they’d come out with a purple double knockout rose to feed my purple flower addiction.

Do you have any knockout roses? If so, why didn’t you tell me about them sooner???

All About the Flowers

by Kay~Kacey on 10/19/2010

I’m hanging onto every last glorious moment of warm weather.


…as are my pretty flowers.


still blooming in this wonderful weather with the days in the 70’s. In OCTOBER!


Yes, I could gladly live without winter. I’m so not a winter weather person.


So I’m going to ignore the fact that people keep telling me it’s fall…and I’m going to hold firmly to my belief that these lovely flowers will just keep on blooming. Anyone want to join me in my fantasy world?