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wine on the keyboard

I Love WordPress

by Kay~Kacey on 2/16/2005

Really. I love this software. Cool features. Cool plugins for it. (okay, I started using the SpamKarma plugin to help keep out spammers and inadvertantly locked out people using their AOL browser. oops 😯 Sorry about that. Should be fixed now.)

I can upload posts I’m working on (like ones where I’m collecting links to explain what I’m talking about)…and I can just save the post as a draft until I’m ready to post it. I can set a time in the future for any post to be posted.

I can add smilies. :mrgreen::coffee::beer::book::useyourhead: note to self: find a heart smilie…

Seriously, is it a sickness to love a blogging software package?? I’ve enjoyed figuring out how to use it, and change it. I used to use moveable type, which was good, but I never had a love affair with it.:smile:

Now, of course, I’m just getting this version of WordPress all figured out…and out comes Version 1.5 🙄 You know what that means, don’t you?? Yes, I’m going to have to mess with the program and upgrade it…just because I like new shiney things ❗

Suzanne February 16, 2005 at 6:39 pm

I *really* like the cool smilies!!! 😆

Sylvia Day February 17, 2005 at 10:27 am

I’m in love with WP too. You’re not alone. 😀

Katie February 18, 2005 at 5:44 am

Techie!!! :beer: But I do like the beer smilie. Oh, you knew that?

Michelle February 19, 2005 at 7:35 pm

I’m going to have to try Wordpress. Very cool!

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