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wine on the keyboard

A Real Writer

by Kay~Kacey on 2/19/2005

so a cold gray rainy day here. Snow, then sleet, then rain…then sleet, finally rain. So I take myself to the bookstore to cheer myself up. You know. 😆 I buy a book on website design using CSS and come home. (I really am a hopeless geek) 🙂

Oops! Forgot to get the mail.:useyourhead: What was I thinking?? A writer ALWAYS gets her mail!! So I grab the mail. See an envelope with MY handwriting. Okay, okay…

Go hide in my office so no one can see me if I cry 🙄 I’m SO mature about all this. But you know, I just never know what my reaction is going to be when an editor writes back to me.

So I open it and it’s a WOULDBEINTERESTED on a proposal I sent just a month ago 😯

Now, I love getting a wouldbeinterested on a proposal. I mean, if you get one on a simple query and short synopsis, the editor hasn’t seen your writing. Just because you can write a great query letter doesn’t mean the editor would like your writing. It just seems more rewarding…more valid…to get a wouldbeinterested from 3 chapters and a full synopis. Yes, I’ve gotten them before. But they still help validate me as a Real Writer.

For the record, my dh was very happy for me too. Once I came bouncing out of my office to tell him. So was my brainstorming offspring. (everyone should raise a child who is a great brainstorming partner).

So I’m having a celebratory glass of wine (carefully placed AWAY from the keyboard 😉 ) And enjoying my night.
:beer: Here’s to the small celebrations on the road to getting published.

Katie February 20, 2005 at 5:27 am

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! :beer: Here’s to a sale soon!!!!

Suzanne February 20, 2005 at 8:57 am

Yay!!!! Congratulations and good luck!!! :beer::beer::beer:

Vicki February 20, 2005 at 1:59 pm

Fabulous news!!!!! :beer:

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