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wine on the keyboard

Some Favorite Photos of 2009

by Kay~Kacey on 12/29/2009

Tomorrow I’ll put up the Photo of the Year Contest!! Make sure you don’t miss it!

But for today… I like to wrap up the year by browsing through my photos and picking out some of my favorites to show to you. Here are a few that caught my attention again. There are lots. Sorry if the page loads slowly for you!

cardinal in the sunshine

purple crocus

pink tulip


summer happy hour

Of course I had to add one in of SuperGuy’s Truck Fire!

dodge ram fire

lily bud

textured keys

texture phase

coffee at the lake

obx sunrise

silver gravy boat

cardinal in snow

fall flowers

And, of course, a pointing photo…
pointing picture

mary December 29, 2009 at 8:50 am

Kacey, these are wonderful! Damn, girl, you’re good!!! Hope you had a happy Christmas with all your boys at home. They did a great job decorating the tree. Do they help you take it down, too? Because that’s the job at my house that I’m definitely NOT looking forward to. 🙂

Kate January 1, 2010 at 4:47 pm

I’d been here to see this post several days ago. I have no idea why I didn’t leave a comment. Love these photos, Kacey. They really are incredible.

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