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wine on the keyboard

kitchen remodel

No Rain Equals New Window

by Kay~Kacey on 11/16/2009

The rain held off this weekend!! I have my new kitchen window!!


It’s beautiful, isn’t it?? :love:


It doesn’t stick out like the old, nasty garden window…so no one will smash their head anymore when they walk down the steps! :wallbash:

See my pretty view??


Okay, it was getting kind of dark. I’ll have to grab better shots when it’s nice and sunny out. I’m going to put in a cutting garden there in the garden in the lower left corner.


I didn’t get a good photo of the actual window. Too dark.  You can see that SuperGuy has a job ahead of him. Replacing the tile that goes under the window sill. The trim needs to be painted too.

I’m SO glad I decided on one big old picture window. I might live at my sink from now on! I’m very happy with the results of this new portion of the Great Kitchen Remodel!

Tomorrow I’ll get photos of the new front door! Not painted red yet, but still pretty.

New Kitchen Window-Maybe

by Kay~Kacey on 11/12/2009

So, as part of the great kitchen remodel, we’re finally getting around to replacing the kitchen window. You remember my kitchen window, right?  Why, yes, that was May of 2008, why do you ask?? :crazy:

I would like to say that we’re saying goodbye to this window.


Yes, that is blown out gas between the panes so you can’t see out of it. 👿

So we have a contractor coming to replace this garden window that I have always hated. Blown out gas. Leaks cold air in the winter. Etc. Etc. The contractor is coming this weekend. . . and it’s supposed to RAIN. :help:

Well, I guess you’ll either get a post with photos of my nice new pretty window…or perhaps a photo of me sitting and drinking some wine…


by Kay~Kacey on 4/4/2009

Well, SuperGuy and I are still speaking, that’s the good news.


Since I’m a look on the bright side type person…I’ll say we are half finished. Well, almost. But I can hardly move my arms, my shoulders are so sore from painting. I. Am. A. Wuss.


Though it appears that I’m not the only exhausted one…. (and how many times this year do you think we’ll get this same picture? Only the book will change…. :rofl: )

Even though I’m knee deep…or elbow deep, or however deep I am in painting this weekend, I will have the Photo of the Month Contest up on Monday. Be sure to drop by and vote!