wine on the keyboard


The Great Fence Adventure

by Kay~Kacey on 5/29/2009

So, how better to spend a Memorial Day weekend that putting up a fence for The Geeky One? In the rain… The family that installs fence together stays together, or something like that. I do know that there were a lot of comments made to The Geeky One. “You SO owe me, bro.”


All so this cute little dog, Boo, can have a fenced backyard at The Geeky One’s house. (Ha, and I can tell you the name of this puppy! Unlike the weimaraner!)

They drilled holes. Lots of holes. They hit rock in every. single. hole. Notice the crossed fingers here, hoping for at least one hole without hitting rock…

croc work shoes
Did you know that Croc made work shoes?? Wonder who this is??

manual digging
There was some manual digging going on…

power tools
Of course a good supply of power tools… Men.

pink spray pain
Pink spray paint to mark where each hole needed to be dug. Pink. You think they did that just for me?? Well, not that I was digging any holes! I was in charge of photography! The important stuff!

straight line
See the nice straight line of fence posts? Well, at this point some neighbor called the neighborhood board, who called The Geeky One and complained the fence was going to be too high. Um, they were cutting the posts off even after the cement dried… Whatever. Gotta love subdivisions…

This neighbor had his slide put right up to the lot line… The Geeky One did pull his fence in a bit on this side, but he’s going to offer to help his neighbor move his slide if he wants too.

SuperGuy was in charge, so there was a lot of measuring, strings, and levels involved…

Well, I’m sure you’re wondering where the photo of the finished fence is…Yes, well, it was pitch dark on the THIRD DAY when they finished the fence. Not to mention pouring down rain. So I still owe you a photo of the finished backyard next time I go over there. But I will leave you with this photo…
Because we can’t have a photo op with the boys without someone posing for a pointing shot, now can we??