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wine on the keyboard

teal office

It is getting really exciting!! Look at my teal office!

teal office in new house with window seat

After all that teal anguish, I seriously love and adore the color and I love and adore my window seat!!! Yay for teal! Yay for…well…everything! And look at my pretty kitchen backsplash!

subway tile

White subway tile plus a cute little trime of light teal squares mixed in with white and greyish squares. I just love tile new construction

There is where SuperGuy’s new gas stovetop will be. My cute tile backsplash will look great behind it, won’t it??

In other news…we also got the deck put on! Here is SuperGuy relaxing…

new deck on house

Here is a picture of how the back of the house looks now. See all that dirt? Well, the next day we seeded all of that and strawed it! Color me exhausted!

back of new house construction

Here’s a sunset view from the side of the brand new deck…see, it still has sawdust! We had to have the contractor put the spindles a bit closer together than code called for so that the mischievous puppies couldn’t get through them!!

sunset view from deck

This is how we spent our first evening on the new deck…

relaxing at the new house

I know! It’s getting exciting! We’re getting so close!