wine on the keyboard

The Love Nest

I Never Want to See This Again.

by Kay~Kacey on 12/6/2010


Seriously. I never want to see another set of stairs. As God as my witness, I’ll never go hungry again I never live in a third story walk up apartment.

I. Am. So. Sore.


I’m so over stairs.

As an aside, if you ever want to, you know, forego buying a stairmaster exerciser…you could look into moving in and out of this apartment…

As another aside, SuperGuy conveniently got tied up at work on Friday,  so The Impish One (my favorite son!! :heart: ) carried every stinkin’ thing in the apartment down to the moving van except the couch, bed, table, and recliner. SuperGuy owes me. Big time. Just sayin’.

At this point, I seriously wanted to cry. So much stuff. So many stairs. So in my totally grown up mature manner…I went to the bakery and bought donuts and fresh cold milk. (see it back there on the table?) I needed a bit of comfort food.

Anyway, we got moved in. The Love Nest has moved. I have photos and tales to tell…but for now? I’ve got a hot bath with my name on it and a good glass of wine. So. Sore.

Saying Goodbye

by Kay~Kacey on 12/2/2010

After two years, it’s time to say goodbye to The Love Nest. Such good memories…but really ready to move on.

creative TV stand
From SuperGuy’s attempts at decorating… :hysterical:

milk glass buttons and bows

To the start of my lovely milk glass addiction. The milk glass gets moved with us…the kitty litter buckets? Not so much…

color added to family room

From the beginnings of decorating.

galley kitchen

To my cute galley kitchen that I decorated with black appliances because my friend Janice gave me this cute black teapot.

black teapot

I’ll miss the fabulous sunsets out the balcony. I will.


I won’t miss that I have to have a space heater going all the time in the winter to stay warm.

relaxing with a cup of tea

So we spend one last night hanging out at The Love Nest. Wish us luck with our move. I’m sure they’ll be photos and stories when I get back to the land of internet service on Monday.

It’s a bittersweet move…to leave the good memories behind…but we’re very ready to move past apartment living over in Columbia.

As an aside, because there is always one…got all the utilities transferred to our name at the new house. All except the water utility. Unfortunately, we’re outside the city of Columbia water district and have to use another district…that will remain nameless… For, you know, the smallest utility bill we’ll have. For the water district you have to go in person…they are only open until 4:30…we usually get over to Columbia like 6pm… Nope, in this day and age, you cannot do it over the phone, the internet, fax. You must show up in person at their office…which is miles out of Columbia I will add…and show them a photo id and give them a $75 dollar deposit. So wish us luck on not getting the water turned off before I can haul myself out of town during the day time hours and get that deposit made and show my photo id… :frown:

Hit the Desk

by Kay~Kacey on 4/16/2010

Okay, I’ve been looking for a desk for over at The Love Nest for, um, a year and a half? Wobbled back and forth on what I wanted. Couldn’t decide. Try to convince SuperGuy to make me one. That didn’t work out. Kept looking. Finally found this one at Costco.


Simple. Pull out keyboard drawer…which you can see, I’m not using. Has a black glass top…which my optical mouse won’t work on, so I have to put a folder under my mouse to get it to work. :mad2:


Found this mesh chair at Staples. It’s cool (not as in neato, as in temperature-wise) and infinitely adjustable.Why is it so hard to find a comfortable desk chair?? Do you have one that you love?

So I’m not in love  with this setup but I like it. (Still holding out to talk SuperGuy into making me one out of mahogany. We’ll see.)  I do really love having a space to work in when I’m over at The Love Nest though. I was tired of dragging everything out to the dining table, and taking it all back away. Rinse and repeat. Maybe this means I’ll get more work done while I’m at The Love Nest. Maybe. 😆