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My favorite place on earth

by Kay~Kacey on 5/30/2005

This is my favorite place on earth. Skypond in Rocky Mountain National Park. I first hiked there as a girl when I went to Cheley Colorado summer camp in Estes Park. I’ve hike to it numerous times since then. Once after college. And just a few years ago…though I have to admit, climbing the water fall up to this lake when I was over 40 was just a tish harder than in my youth…:shock: Is this not the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen??? :love:

Skypond the coolest place on earth

Click on it to see the full size image. Come on. You know you want to!

So what’s your favorite place in the world??

Rene May 30, 2005 at 1:34 pm

Wow, that is a toughy. I have several and they all are in Hawaii. Well, a couple in California as well. I love the drive just outside of Hilo on the Big Island. If you roll your window down, you can smell the white ginger in the air. Hanalei Bay in Kaui is gorgeous and has a total sense of unreality. The road to Hana in Maui had lots of places I could lose myself in. Laguna Beach and Santa Barbara are high up there. Williamsburg, VA in May. Union Square in San Francisco. Sorry, can’t pick one favorite place, they are all tied to my moods.

Suzanne May 30, 2005 at 2:24 pm

HOME. Is that corny or what? Okay, aside from home, the beach, any beach that’s not crowded.:love:

kacey May 30, 2005 at 7:03 pm

Suzanee, well I’m a homebody too, but Skypond :love:

The beach, any beach comes in a close second though.

Rene, I’ve never been to Hawaii, but my dh SWEARS he’ll take me there some day.

Michelle May 30, 2005 at 7:45 pm

Kacey–WOW. Breathtaking! It’s a fantastic photograph, too. 🙂 :love:

gena showalter May 30, 2005 at 8:08 pm

How absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I’m not good with travel, so I tend to stay home most of the time. I’d risk the fear of travel to *be* in that picture!

Steph T. May 30, 2005 at 10:04 pm

Wow – gorgeous picture. Thanks for sharing it.

Favorite place in the world? East Africa. Can’t wait to go back. I’d love to live there one day, split my time between one of the main cities and the safari parks.:smile:

LauraP May 31, 2005 at 8:27 am

Gorgeous photo! I think my favorite place is the hammock in my backyard. The gaps in the leaf canopy are just right for cloud-watching and star-gazing. For absolute beauty I have a list of favorite spots in Alaska.

kacey May 31, 2005 at 8:31 am

Steph, East Africa…okay you when for most differnt.

Laura! A hammock. Haven’t had one in years. My grandparents had one and I spent hours in it gazing up at the clouds!

Mary May 31, 2005 at 8:49 am

Great place. Never been there, but would like to.

Jill May 31, 2005 at 9:20 am

My favorite place is right here where I live in the Sierra mountains, where it’s so gorgeous I can hardly stand it.

Melissa May 31, 2005 at 9:33 am

Oooh, wonderful pic!
My favorite place has to be Dorset, England. LOVED the rolling, green hills and rainy days. I know, I know, I’m WEIRD, but I love gray, dreary days! :crazy2:

Margery May 31, 2005 at 9:47 am

What a beautiful photo, Kacey. I love Colorado, too, but I’ve never been to Skypond. My favourite place – I hope I haven’t been there yet. So far, the beach, or anywhere I can look out at water.

Sharon May 31, 2005 at 11:14 am

My favorite place is wherever I’m currently hunting or fishing :love:

I love anyplace outdoors, but the mountains are a particular favorite. Since moving to Texas, the beach has become a close second. We usually go camping in Northern New Mexico or Southern Colorado once a year.

kacey May 31, 2005 at 11:34 am

Jill, but you have SNOW and BEARS! How can you love it???

Melissa, I’ve only been to London. Never the countryside. I’d love to visit there though.

Sharon, you camp?? The last time we camped we got evacuated in the middle of the night from a rising stream flooding the area, had to leave ALL OUR STUFF! and every single boy ended up with HORRIBLE poison ivy. I decided the closest I’ll get to camping again is a motel without a minibar!!

Tori May 31, 2005 at 11:56 am

Beautiful, Kacey! I love Colorado.

I’d love to go to Africa! And England!

But my favorite place of places I’ve been… well, let’s see. I love Arizona, especially Tucson and the Superstition Mountains up near Phoenix. Then again, I love Colorado, too.

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