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wine on the keyboard

Out the Door

by Kay~Kacey on 7/19/2005

So the proposal is all finished and printed up and addressed. A trip to the Post Office is on my to do list for tomorrow. I just love the feeling of mailing something off. Like another hope or dream sent out into the world. And I LOVE this book. Just love it. Love the characters. Love the setting. Love the plot :love:

No more writing until after I get back from Reno. We’re crazy busy at work, and I have a million things to do at home too before I can leave. Oh, and quarterly payroll taxes :biteme: are due at the end of the month, so need to get those done before I leave. And get everything organized for the 3 days I’ll miss work next week, since I’ll be leaving them short handed.

When am I going to have time to shop???? :cursing: Everyone is talking about cute dresses and shoes and purses. I’m not even really a shopping person…but I would like at least one quick trip to the mall before I go… 😀

I did get a new rolling tote bag. It will fit my laptop, and charger, mp3 player, book, wallet and some more carry on stuff. I get in WAY early on Wednesday. My choice was leave at the crack of dawn…and get into Reno like 10:30 am! or get in AFTER the literacy reception…which just was NOT an option. But that means there is a good chance I’ll have to haul my tote around for HOURS until I can check in. Hence the new rolling bag. Samsonite. 50% off :mrgreen: gotta love a sale. Oh…and it’s RED, my favorite color.

I’m SO ready for RENO! (well, I’m not ready..haven’t packed, haven’t decide WHAT to pack…but you know what I mean! 🙄 )

Steph T. July 19, 2005 at 8:46 pm

Yay on getting the proposal out and done!!!

Lory July 19, 2005 at 9:51 pm

CONGRATULATIONS on getting the proposal complete and on it’s way out!
Now you (just) have to take a deep breath, relax and ENJOY Reno! (Don’t sweat the packing! Whatever you forget/need…you can shop in Reno!)
Have a fabulous time!

Megan Frampton July 20, 2005 at 6:53 am

You can definitely leave your luggage with the hotel before they let you actually check into your room, that is, if you trust them with your bag…And yeah, you can go shopping on Wednesday when you get in crazy early, sans bag! ‘Cause I’m guessing Reno has some shopping—where do bored spouses and newly-rich gamblers go when they’re not gambling anyway? Next week! Yay!

kacey July 20, 2005 at 6:57 am

well, I’m not a shopping kind of gal, so I won’t be schlepping into Reno proper to do that. Besides, I’ll just hang at the bar and snag my friends as they go by. :mrgreen: I will leave my big suitcase with the hotel, but I don’t like to leave my laptop/jewelry/meds tote with anyone. So I’ll roll it around with me. Had a bum shoulder deal earlier this spring, so I don’t want to aggravate it with lugging stuff around on my shoulder.

Melissa July 20, 2005 at 10:27 am

Ohh, you’re going to have so much fun, Kacey! Congrats on getting that proposal out the door – one less thing to worry about now. 🙂

Kelly =) July 20, 2005 at 11:14 am

I am SO NOT ready for Reno yet. 😆 Good luck with the proposal!!

“I just love the feeling of mailing something off. Like another hope or dream sent out into the world.”

So true!

Mary July 20, 2005 at 11:45 am

Good luck with the manuscript. And I can’t wait for Reno either.

Tori July 20, 2005 at 12:14 pm

WTG on mailing the proposal!!! :beer:

The rolling tote sounds great!

Crystal* July 20, 2005 at 2:22 pm

YAY on the proposal! Excellent news!
Now…find some time for yourself to do a little shopping. And have a great time in Reno!!

Suzanne July 20, 2005 at 4:56 pm

Yay on the proposal! And I’m ready (but not really ready) for Reno, too!

Jill July 20, 2005 at 8:09 pm

I am not ready to think about Reno yet …

Amy K July 21, 2005 at 11:00 pm

Is this the Next proposal? Good luck to you! Have you read them yet? I finally bought one last weekend but at the rate I’m going, it should be late 2014 before I crack it.

I’m ready for Reno too! Woohoo! 🙂

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