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wine on the keyboard

Amazing Young Talent

by Kay~Kacey on 5/29/2008

I’m not sure why my boys didn’t go into a career of ceramic making. I mean, you can see how talented they were in kindergarten, can’t you?

clay guys

So my oldest made the clay colored one…the next year my middle son followed with the green one. Not to be outdone, 4 years later my youngest made the white one. Kind of follow the leader. Or I want to be just like my big brother. Yes, my boys were into dinosaurs at that age, why do you ask??

I don’t know why I’ve kept these all these years. They’ve been in my kitchen windowsill for like 18 years…

scary creatures

They’re kind of scary looking though, aren’t they? Getting ready to devour the world? I guess I should have been worried?? Well, the boys moved on to new talents, but these remain in my window sill nudging my memories of little boys and laughter.

Have you kept “treasures” like this from your kids? What did you keep?

Mental P Mama May 29, 2008 at 5:51 am

Oh Kacey, I have so many of them I had to clear a whole shelf in a cabinet. I can’t bring myself to toss them, though. I think you have given me my ‘motherhood’ idea, though! Thanks! :typing:

sarah bean May 29, 2008 at 5:53 am

aww, that is the sweetest thing i’ve read today 🙂

Treasia May 29, 2008 at 9:44 am

To have been in kindergarten those boys were/are quite talented. The things my kids made then were unrecognizable. I had to wait till they told me what it was.

We have a steamer trunk filled with things from all of our kids.

Amy Addison May 29, 2008 at 10:34 am

I usually keep one or two things from each year. There is the wooden spoon that was turned into a kitchen bear in Kindergarten, the oil pastel drawing of a gymnast en cartwheel done in 2nd grade, a small pottery bowl that keeps rings from getting lost, done in 3rd….

Love the boys’ dinosaurs.

Shimmy Mom May 29, 2008 at 11:23 am

That’s awesome. I think we as moms always find something from our children’s childhood to hang on to. I have each of my children’s favorite “blankies” from when they were infants and toddlers. My mother-in-law still has a ceramic snowman that my hubby made very early in elementary school. She puts it on the mantle with the stockings every Christmas!

Tracey May 29, 2008 at 2:54 pm

Yes! And it drives my hubby nuts. I put all of their drawings into a big plastic storage tub and every year we sit and go through it and laugh!

I even still have a ceramic leaf I made in art class in 5th grade out on display. And that was a LONG time ago! :cool2:

Melissa Marsh May 29, 2008 at 4:16 pm

Oh goodness! I have kept practically ever single drawing that my daughter has done. I’m running out of room!

Michelle Willingham May 29, 2008 at 4:43 pm

Oh, I love those! I’ve been keeping my son’s short stories. They’re a scream (future blackmail material…). :book:

Amy May 29, 2008 at 6:52 pm

You kept them because your sons made them! I have a lavender clay vase on my night stand that my now 23-year-old son made at age 5. Rhett’s pasta necklaces are in a bathroom drawer … and he graduates in two weeks. I’m thinking about wearing them … seriously!

Kate May 29, 2008 at 8:44 pm

I’ve kept little books they each made, but we moved so many many times that I’ve lost some things I was safe-keeping. It’s unfortunate, but I have pictures. Lots and lots of pictures. And a couple of blankets, and hand-knit sweaters that their grandmother made with British knitting patterns. Special stuff.

Sweet post.

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