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wine on the keyboard

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

by Kay~Kacey on 8/23/2008

One of the best parts of my summer…

photography at the lake

Is sharing photography

photography with my son

with my son, The Photography One and

photography by the ocean

with SuperGuy. We take photos. Load them up on the computer and look at them together. Such fun. I make DVD’s set to music with the pics. The Photography One has enlarged a bunch of photos and gotten them framed for the apartment. SuperGuy and I have been going through the pics, trying to decide on a few of them to get printed on canvas for our home.

How about you? Is there a hobby that you share with your dh or someone in your family? What is it? Who got started first or did you get it to it at the same time?

Beckynsc August 23, 2008 at 7:14 am

I have always been the one taking photos constantly, driving everyone crazy. But they have enjoyed my pictures.
Actually, when I started my blog, you inspired me to look differently at picture taking. Thank you!
I, in turn, I have inspired my dh, my son, and my mother-in-law to look for the perfect shots.

iPost August 23, 2008 at 8:05 am

Photography here too! My hubby can now understand the “lingo” and tolerates my ramblings about shadows and light. My kids now have a digital point and shoot and they try to replicate shots I have done. Too cute. They also upload them to the laptop and use Picasa to “play” with changing them. Ahhh…a house full of photogs…my dream come true! :love:

Kate August 23, 2008 at 8:06 am

A hobby I share with my dh? Hmmm. Not really. And now that I think about that, it makes me sad. But I’m over it just as quick because we each do different things and then meet in the middle. I love taking pictures and could and do spend hours on the computer working on them and posting them. He likes gardening, but since it’s August and we had to leave our garden behind, he now has no hobby. But George is getting extra walks!
Tell me, please, Kacey: where are you getting your prints done on canvas? Is it at mpix?
Oh, and have a wonderfully scrumptious day.
Apologies for all the adjectives. I’ve just finished re-reading Anne of Green Gables. Oy!

Suzette August 23, 2008 at 8:18 am

I’m the only one who is into photography in this family. But my daughter enjoys digital manipulation of photos, so she “gets” me. The two of us share an interest in beading, so we make all the bead shows together. We both also enjoy drumcorps. It’s nice to have common interests.

Amy August 23, 2008 at 8:45 am

I love your photography and always look forward to your photos! I guess my sons and I share a love of physical fitness. We all work out in some way. I’ve been a fitness buff since I was in college, and I think my example has trickled down to the offspring. Exercise is the great stress reducer!

Suzanne August 23, 2008 at 10:58 am

That sounds like a wonderful idea, getting some of your great shots put on canvas. How cool!!

Mental P Mama August 23, 2008 at 1:10 pm

I love these shots! I have become a little too blog-happy these days… :angel:

vodkamom August 23, 2008 at 3:42 pm

I love to take pictures, and have been freelancing (writing) for the local paper over the summer! It’s been a blast!

annbb/TSannie August 23, 2008 at 5:10 pm

I don’t think GB would know how to turn a camera on!

You all are one serious camera family! Love it!

Flea August 24, 2008 at 3:21 am

Sixteen and a half years we’ve gone round and round about a hobby we can share. The kids and I love road trips. The Hunny and I both love to garden. But gardening together? We drive each other nuts. Still working on it …

Sandra August 24, 2008 at 6:16 am

My mother always had a camera handy and documented our lives, but never tried “artistic” photography. So, while I’ve always been a half-hearted “documenter,” I am now taking classes and enjoying the artistic side. I am realllly enjoying it. (And I’ve noticed that many bloggers are also photographers — pictures certainly add to the words.)

Melissa Marsh August 25, 2008 at 4:48 pm

Hubby and I love books. We love going to used bookstores and finding treasures. Unfortunately, we ran out of shelf space and had to weed through our collection!

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