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wine on the keyboard

Hi Honey I’m Home

by Kay~Kacey on 9/21/2009

Did you miss me? I guess, not so much since I posted while we were gone. We’re home. I could just reach out and kiss my iMac desktop. So tired of trying to edit on my tiny macbook and try to decide if I got the pictured edited correctly or not.


Ah, yes, I miss The Outer Banks already. Sigh. We had our 18 + hour drive home. We drove about 12 1/2 hours the first day, and finished up on Sunday. We did a last minute maneuver on Saturday to head to a more northern route because the southern route was getting hammered by rain. I tried my best to navigate us with my iPhone. It was…interesting.

Anyway, I have more photos to show, more adventures to share…but for now I’m just all tuckered out. I have mountains of laundry, and work to get caught up on, and blogs to hop…you know…re-entry stuff.


Oh, and some of us…who shall remain nameless. S.U.P.E.R.G.U.Y tan up like this. You so are not getting a photo of me in comparison. Of course, I’m the lady with the suntan lotion, long sleeves, and the hat…

House is still standing. I am pleased. :mrgreen:

Kate September 21, 2009 at 6:00 am

I’m always pleased when the house is still standing. And I can’t tan right now, either. Still on the doxycyclene for Lyme’s. {{Sigh}}. So I’m the one in the lotion, long shirt and floppy hat, too. I call it a fashion statement.

Mango Girl September 21, 2009 at 8:06 am

Tanning is highly overrated, at least that from the sun; that is why I bottle tan.

Beautiful pictures!

Welcome home!

KateS September 21, 2009 at 8:33 am

DID miss you – can’t wait for more pictures!!
welcome back! :dance:

Dru September 21, 2009 at 8:33 am

Welcome back!

Tori Lennox September 21, 2009 at 1:08 pm

Welcome home! Can’t wait to see more pics, though!

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