wine on the keyboard

August 2010

He’s Always Trying to Outdo Me

by Kay~Kacey on 8/17/2010

SuperGuy is always trying to outdo me on the photography…


Like this hummingbird. Hey, I never see hummingbirds out on our flowers! I’m going to have to take a chair outside and just sit and stalk the humming birds.


Or this pretty butterfly. (well, he got some other bugs too, but I refused to look at them and process them. I don’t do bugs.)


More hummingbird…doggoneit!


Last, but not least, a pretty Althea flower.

He’s quite the photographer, isn’t he?  :love: You know I have to go out and capture a hummingbird photo now, don’t you??

I so need to put some photo processing software on his laptop so he can process his own photos. Then I’ll set him up on Facebook. Then he can enter this century…. :crazy:

Yes It Does

by Kay~Kacey on 8/16/2010

Yep, this sign really does say what you think it says…


East bound highway 70 headed into St. Louis. Yep, there’s really nothing I can add to this post, now is there???

Terribly Behind

by Kay~Kacey on 8/11/2010

I don’t know how I get so terribly behind myself… Had a fabulous time in Salt Lake City at the Nichole Van Workshop. Well, except for the fact that it was on a dry campus… :help: It was a $12 taxi ride into town…so that would make for a pretty expense beer, now wouldn’t it? Anyway, I learned a ton. Seriously. Best investment I’ve ever made into my photography. I’m going to do up a full review of the workshop on my photography blog as soon as I catch up with life. (oh, and I’m in the middle of overhauling my photography blog, so if it’s a mess, forgive me. Well, yes, that does feed into my terribly behind on life comment…but I digress…)

Here is my lovely friend, Janet Power.

nv-workshop-8037I know, doesn’t she just even look like she’d be a cool friend?

Then she took this fabulous photo of me. I just love this photo. Janet is a rockin’ photographer! If you live near Arroyo Grande, California and need photos, you should look her up!


Here are a couple I took from the workshop. I wish I would have had a wider angle lens for a few some of them!


This one would have been fantastic if the wind wouldn’t have blown the veil up into the white clouds so it kind of just gets lost. :mad2:


This girl was so cute! I love the dramatic lighting in this one.


This one cracked me up. I opened it to edit it…and noticed I got the bride model in the background. :crazy: I kind of like the juxtaposition of the bride versus the young girl though!

Okay, I’ve got to get my head back into the real world. Maybe. Or maybe I’ll just have myself another beer and recover just a bit more…