wine on the keyboard

September 2010

Hi, honey, I’m home! (version 207)

by Kay~Kacey on 9/25/2010

We’re back! So good to be back in my space, but I had a fantastic time. I think everyone should take 2 week vacations! On a one week vacation, I feel like we’re just starting to unwind, and it’s time to come home.

I’ll be posting more photos this week…but for now, I’ll leave you with this monumental decision that SuperGuy and I came to on vacation…


Yuengling Tradition Lager is a great, wonderful, fantastic beer.

Yuengling Light?? — not so much. 😥

(We spent our time analyzing many of the wonders of the universe…)

As an aside: yes, my darling oldest son, we brought you two 12’s of Yuengling. The real kind, not the fake light stuff. :love:

All Good Things

by Kay~Kacey on 9/20/2010

…must come to an end.


We bid adieu to the lovely beach house we rented in South Ponte Vedra Beach out of St. Augustine. Isn’t it pretty?


Cute little touches around the house. Loved this chair.


Love the beach there. Loved it. Long flat beach during low tide. No one. I mean NO ONE was around. We’d maybe see half a dozen people a day.


We did a lot of nothing. A lot of it. I think SuperGuy read like 3 books. I did a lot of photography stuff and read up on lighting for photography. I stared at the waves. A lot. SuperGuy also went fishing and caught about 6 meals worth of fish.


I loved how this mirror captured the view of the ocean.

We’re headed over to the gulf coast for a few days. Okaloosa island. Near Destin. I hear they actually have people over there on the beach. 😯

We’ll spend a few days there, then head to New Orleans to celebrate The Impish One turning 21. :rofl: Okay, he’s not going to actually BE there…he’s in college…but we’re going to celebrate it nonetheless. My sister and bil are going to meet us in New Orleans. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll get another photo of her. Maybe.

Luckily our oldest son is at home holding down the fort. House sitting. Watching the kitties. Painting the back of the house!! :love: So nice to not have to worry about things at home when we’re gone this long.

We’ll be back at the end of the week. Not sure if I’ll have time to post more this week or not. If not, follow our adventures on Facebook.

That’s What I’m Talkin’ About

by Kay~Kacey on 9/16/2010

ponte-vedra-sunrise-8528 copy

That’s a sunrise. I’m just sayin’