wine on the keyboard

December 2010

Yes, I’m Dorky Like That

by Kay~Kacey on 12/21/2010

In my quest for all things Rudolph….

Rudolph for you Car

Look what The Geeky One and his Adorable Wife got me for my car!  Notice the red nose and the antlers. I love this as only a dorky Rudolph lover could!

What Speaks to your Heart?

by Kay~Kacey on 12/20/2010

Do you ever take a photo that just pulls at you? That talks to you? That tugs at your heart. One that you take, process and just fall in love with it? This is one of those photos for me.

female cardinal in the snow

I love the colors. The snow. The “look” on her face. I look at it, and can’t believe I-yes, me- captured that moment. I love photography. I’m just sayin’. I’m so glad that photography found me. :heart:

Why did it take me so long to fall in love with photography??

What have you found that calls to you and speaks to your heart?

Are You Tired?

by Kay~Kacey on 12/16/2010

…of my birds in snow pics yet? Remember when we were trying to decide what this bird was? We decided it was an immature Red Winged Black Bird. Well look! He brought his friends!

Red winged blackbirdYep, that looks like a Red Winged Blackbird to me! I’ve never seen them around here before!

immature red wing black birdThey were out in full force during the snowstorm! Here is the immature one again.

red wing blackbirdShowing off his red wing for us.

red winged blackbird in snow

“Okay, I’m finished with the birds in snow series of photos. I promise, ” she lied.