wine on the keyboard


Holiday Snapshots

by Kay~Kacey on 12/27/2010

Just sharing a few holiday snaps from Christmas.

holiday funThere was much laughing. (and, of course, my sister making a face when I tried to take her photo.)

Christmas toysThere were boys, playing with toys. Because we always have toys. See this cool remote control bug? Well, I confess, it kind of creeped me out! Oh, and this fun pull cord Santa…which, of course, turned into a competition to see whose Santa went the furthest…

There were girls watching boys playing with toys.

mizzou sweatshirt

A bit of bribing on a certain high schooler’s decision on where he should go to college… Let’s Go Mizzou!!

Christmas boysThree of the 5 boys made it home for Christmas. :heart: Though some of them might have been a bit tired of my camera. Just sayin’  The Geeky One got a Halo model kit (similar to legos). He spent a long time engrossed in putting it together. Dork. :love:

Last, but not least…some family members got a nice little nap out of the afternoon… :hysterical:

Christmas nap

Oh, and there’s not a photo of my mother. She will thank me. The two I got of her were horrid. I’m a good daughter, so I’m not going to post them. You’re welcome!

Tomorrow???  Photos of my fabulous Christmas gift from my babies!!

To those of you on the east coast getting hammered with snow? Stay safe!

Merry Christmas from the Happy Couple

by Kay~Kacey on 12/24/2010

rudolph and clariceRudolph and Clarice, of course!

May your holidays be filled with family and friends. Laughter and song.

Rudolph the red nosed reindeerMay you find a bit of quiet time too. It’s always nice to find a bit of quiet among the chaos.

hermie the dentistHere is Hermie, my second favorite dentist in the whole wide world. :heart:

The abomidable snowman Stay safe and healthy over the holidays…and don’t let The Abominable Snowman get you!! (but if he does, remember, Bumbles Bounce!..what that has to do with anything, well, I’m not sure…)

Merry Christmas!

Ice Sculpture

by Kay~Kacey on 12/23/2010

We went to visit SuperGuy’s aunt in Kansas City. Look at the cool ice sculpture at the retirement village she lives in.

ice sleigh

I thought it was really cool. Retirement places aren’t what they used to be, are they?

I was just intrigued by the whole sculpture and how someone could picture that in their head and carve out the sculpture.

reindeer ice sculptureDon’t you love the bubbles in the reindeer’s head? Very cool.

ice sculpture sleighWell, of course I got a pointing photo out of it! Did you have any doubt??