wine on the keyboard

February 2011

Classic Avoidance

by Kay~Kacey on 2/23/2011

I hate doing taxes. There I said it. So what did I decide was more important than working on taxes?? Bird photos of course.

Male cardinal in the rain

It was a nice change from taking photos of the birds in the snow!

female cardinal in the rain in St. Louis

They all came out to play when it started to rain..

male cardinal in the rain at the feeder

I swear that this guy knew I was taking his picture and was actually POSING for me.

Ah, spring. I can almost taste it… I will cover my ears and say la-la-la if anyone talks to me about snow and ice again. I’m just sayin’

I Spy

by Kay~Kacey on 2/22/2011

and I’m not joking this time! I looked out the window and saw this…

First signs of spring-daffodils

What is that I spied?? I should take a closer look…

Daffodils popping up out of the ground

The first signs of spring! My daffodils are popping out of the ground! See what a week of warmer weather can do? (A bit worried about the cold snap we’re supposed to get this week though…)

feeding the birds

While I was doing the important chores…you know…taking photos…SuperGuy was out feeding the birds. Got to keep my birds happy and at the feeder!

first signs of spring

Meanwhile I wandered around the yard, looking for all the places that SuperGuy put more bulbs in last fall. I think it’s going to be a beautiful spring in my backyard!

New Patio Furniture

by Kay~Kacey on 2/21/2011

So excited! We decided to stay over in Columbia last Friday night…and since the weather had been GORGEOUS and I had complained mentioned that it sucked was too bad that we didn’t have patio furniture. I’m sure I mentioned it just a few times. WE decide to go get some patio furniture! Fun. Unfortunately, by the time we bought it, unboxed it, and put it together? The temperature had dropped. Alot. So…

patio furniture by the fire

Never let it be said we don’t know how to have a good time…no matter what the weather…

(What, don’t all of you put your new patio furniture inside by the fire and have happy hour???)