wine on the keyboard

July 2012

Independence Day – Twenty Twelve

by Kay~Kacey on 7/4/2012

Hope you all have a fabulous Red, White, and Blue day!

Red CardinalRED

white fluffy clouds

blue hydrangea

Stay cool and enjoy!

by Kay~Kacey on 7/2/2012

Pink knock out roses with sun burst

But he that dares not grasp the thorn Should never crave the rose. ~Anne Bronte

These are the beautiful pink knockout roses that are out my office window at The Love Nest. I have to admit, I will miss them when we move. Hm, note to self…ask SuperGuy to plant some out the window of my new office. Anyway, I love the light. I actually shot these right through the screen and you can see a faint pattern of the screen in this shot. Love that.

Now, I’m back to picking out faucets for the new place…which still has no name, but does have a walls and a roof. I need to get on an update post on that too. But right now I’m knee deep in deciding on faucets, carpet, and tile… I cannot believe how many decisions have to be made when you build a house. I picked out siding last week. A medium gray tone. I think. And we spent hours deciding on exactly where to put the kitchen island so the plumber could come in this week…all while on pain pills for a messed up back…so I’m hoping I didn’t pick anything stupid… My sister doesn’t seem to have much confidence that I made any sane decisions…We’ll see.