wine on the keyboard

August 2012

The Week of Animal Photography

by Kay~Kacey on 8/29/2012

I guess this is my week for posting animal photography. Monday was birds in the rain, today is my ever cute and adorable puppies.

Here is my ever so naughty and adorable Murphy.

old soul cavalier

I know, he’s just so stinkin’ cute.

cavalier puppy close up
Look at his eyes. You could get lost in those eyes. So soulful.

Here is Murphy looking every so mournful because he’s on the other side of the gate and he’s sure that SuperGuy is up to something very exciting…if he could just get through the gate.

let me out Mom

Here is his imitation of an innocent puppy…because he is NEVER innocent! This is his “I didn’t do it, Maggie did” look!

Maggie did it

Oh, and Maggie, our diva. Here she deigned it okay for me to take one photo of her. She did ask me if I got her good side though…

black and tan cavalier

Save us…SuperGuy and I have become crazy dog people.

Rainy Day Play

by Kay~Kacey on 8/27/2012

We had rain! We’ll…kind of. Like for 30 minutes and not very hard. But the birds were very excited! They all came out to play.
chickadee in the rain

SuperGuy and I were sitting in my office looking out the window and, of course, I had to grab my camera. There was so much bird activity going on! Look at this cute yellow finch balance up on a leaf.

yellow finch perched on leaf

This young cardinal came out to play too. See how he still has some sheaths on his head where his head sticky-up  feathers will be? I’m sure that’s the technical term…

baby cardinal

The birds had such fun. This little yellow finch was drinking the water drops off the leaves!!

yellow finch

It has been awhile since I had a bird shoot and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Almost as much as the birds did!

black cap chickadee

More New Construction Photos

by Kay~Kacey on 8/24/2012

Things are moving along nicely at our new house…want to see??

grey siding

We have siding on most of the house. This nice grey/taupe/beige color, depending on the light hitting it.

back of houseHere is the back of the house. We’re going to have a big old deck on the back of the house.

front porchMy wonderful front porch with the cute little octagonal pantry window. :heart:  The porch will have a nice white railing along the front. And my front door? Red, of course. Just like my red door in St. Louis!

Oh, and they are really coming along with the lower level now too! Isn’t it wonderful with all the windows? This is the view you get as you walk down the fabulous open stairway:

lower level view

SuperGuy has his eye on the space to the right for a pool table…we’ll see 😉

Since I took these pictures they primed the whole house, and they tinted the primer in the Benjamin Moore Pashmina (the first color in that linked blog post). So relieved that we love, love that color on the walls! This next week they are putting down the under layment board thingies for the floor, the cabinets are being delivered and the trim man is coming to do some of that work. Oh, and the tile is getting put down too! Exciting. I’ll have more photos to show soon.