wine on the keyboard

Lazy Day

by Kay~Kacey on 3/12/2010


SuperGuy is off today. We’re going to have a lazy day. As evidenced by how late I am getting this post up! It’s supposed to rain, so he can’t work in the backyard…with any luck, I’ll talk him into going antiquing. Still looking for a vintage dress to use on a photoshoot, or, you know, milk glass… :love:

Taste of Spring

by Kay~Kacey on 3/11/2010

In an effort to stifle my whining er, moaning, um…wishful talking about spring… SuperGuy thought he’d try bring me home some pretty, bright flowers.


I promptly carried them out to the dead, dead backyard! You know, to give the backyard a hint about what it’s supposed to be doing.


I places them in my empty flowerbed. To tease me with a taste of spring. Sigh.


Ah. They are so pretty, aren’t they? Soon, I tell myself, soon pretty flowers like these will be growing in my yard.


I’m Confused

by Kay~Kacey on 3/10/2010

Sigh. I’m still having vacation re-entry problems…


I want to wear sandals…I need to wear my Uggs…

Here was my compromise… :crazy:

Is it spring yet??? :hide: