wine on the keyboard

Pink Elephant Antique Mall

by Kay~Kacey on 3/16/2010

Yep, you saw it here first.
The Pink Elephant Antique Mall. Wonder how it got it’s name?? :rofl: (also notice the elephant coming out of the wall in the far left corner…)

It’s off of Hwy 55 in Illinois. About an hour or so from us.


It has interesting “yard art”, now doesn’t it? Almost as interesting as the bull on Hwy 70.  Adding to undocumented stories on the internet…supposedly the owner of this ice cream stand called the manufacturer who told them they weren’t made anymore, but there were some abandoned ones. The owner went and picked up this abandoned one from somewhere out east and brought it back here. Maybe.


There’s the giant beach guy, supposedly moved from the Soulard Area in St. Louis. Maybe. Or maybe from somewhere in IL. Impressive, huh?


Then there is this Harley Davidson dude right outside too. Brought here from, um, Harley Davidson I’d presume. Maybe. :coffee2:


Look, you can see the edge of an old space ship there at the corner of the building too! A REAL one. 😉

The antique mall is inside an old school in Livingston, Illinois.  I love this shop. The people are helpful and friendly and there is a wide variety of things to buy er, look at okay, okay, to buy. I’ll show you some of our prizes tomorrow. Yes, milk glass was involved.

There you are, always willing to help. Spreading undocumented rumors on the net!

Rare Spring Day

by Kay~Kacey on 3/15/2010

Last week we had a couple of rare spring days…before it turned to gray and rainy again….


It got up to the mid 70’s! And sunny!! What was I to do but grab my camera and go check out the scenes of spring.


Some tulips are poking up…in the front yard so hopefully the deer won’t find them…


The blasted ground cover that I hate strongly dislike started to bloom it’s little flowers…the ONLY thing I like about this ground cover!


SuperGuy was out working on putting in a few new planting areas in the backyard. With his good khaki shorts on I might add. What is it about men? It’s not like he doesn’t have a dozen pair of “play” shorts. He does stuff like this then wonders why he doesn’t ever have any “good shorts” to wear…I will never understand men… :crazy:

Did you get any brief glimpses of spring?? :love:

(Tomorrow, tales from our Antiquing trip. You know, when it rained all weekend…)

A Rose by Any Other Name

by Kay~Kacey on 3/13/2010


What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet
~ William Shakespeare

Ah, going tangential here for a bit… I feel like I have a split personality. About half the world calls me Kacey and half calls me Kay. I do my photography under the name Kay Pickens. (as you can see on my watermarked photos.) The Kacey came about from my initials from my maiden name. K.C. Anyway, just a brief ramble about my nicknames. Neither of which is my given name. :crazy:

The Kay I picked up at about 6th grade. The Kacey sometime in my 20’s. Ah, life is confusing sometimes, isn’t it? Well, I answer to both, so no worries. I’m just the tiniest bit schizophrenic… :hide:

As an aside, because there usually is one…I hated studying Shakespeare in school. I hated the dissecting of every. single. line. What does it really mean? What is the hidden meaning? Etc. Etc. I love to read, but I never liked the lit classes where you’d hammer a story to death digging for all the metaphors to life, etc. Some of the “classics” bored me to tears. I like having read them…but I didn’t like READING them, you know?

I’m rambling…

Okay, I’ll bring you back to our regularly scheduled weekend. Do you have a nickname? More than one nickname?? :mrgreen: