wine on the keyboard

Construction-Week Three

by Kay~Kacey on 5/29/2012

Though I know that these construction photos are more a record for me to look back on and see what they did on the new Columbia house each week, I still thought I share them.

digging electricity lineThey dug this deep trench through the meadow…I know, not pretty–BUT it bring electricity to the house! Yay!

electrical boxSee our electric box thingie??

In the next few weeks they’ll dig another trench and bring in the water. WATER! Like a real house! 😉  Though SuperGuy will just like having water there to water the trees he’s transplanting instead of hauling it in everyday.

poured the basementAnd look! They put the plumbing stuff in poured the basement! Doesn’t it look lovely??

back fill the houseThen they sealed the foundation and backfilled the house! The land around the house is starting to look like something!

first visitorAnd look! We had our first visitor…Mr. Turtle.  Then we walked the land. We walked the land a lot.

man out standing in his fieldAh, a man out standing in his field…and he got like 6 ticks…

big rocksThe builder is saving me these big rocks…not sure where we’ll use them yet…

In other goofy news, we went antiquing and saw these big copper lions about 4 feet high…we looked and each other…and I shot SuperGuy down before he could suggest buying them for each side of the driveway entrance… :toofunny:   :wallbash:

Have a great week!

The Mothers Day Edition

by Kay~Kacey on 5/22/2012

Late, I know, but still thought I’d share some photos of our Mothers Day get together. Which, thankfully my sister had, so I didn’t have to clean my house!!  Yay!

new porch

It also gave my sister a chance to show off their new porch. Isn’t it wonderful? I had to chase everyone off it so I could grab a photo of it before we descended on it and made a mess. Which we did.

my momHere’s my mom. :heart:  Enjoying the craziness that is our family get togethers.

fighting over opening my beerLike when the boys fight over who gets to open my beer… :mrgreen:

Or who gets to give the open beer to me…poor Lauren got the beer spilled on her in the process…

give mom a beer

Lauren is a good sport though, and puts up with Michael and all the boys and their male tricks…she’s a very patient kind of person :surrender:

cute coupleThey make a cute couple, don’t they? We’re all looking forward to their wedding in October. (Oh no! I have to find another Mother of the Groom dress!!!)

SuperGuy had a great time too!

SuperGuy had a great timeHe’s so handsome!! :love2:

See, everyone was having a good time!

laughingI love it when I can catch some candid shots when people don’t know I’m shooting them. Below is my sister–who hates having her picture taken, but didn’t catch me taking this one…

my sister

And the ever patient Lauren:

pensive look

Michael–probably thinking of how best to stir up trouble:

thinking man

Oh, and some brotherly love…kind of… 😉

brotherly hug

Yes, don’t ask what they were up to here…

And last, but not least…my sister’s dog Charlie. Right in the middle of the chaos.

Charlie dogI know, he has wise eyes, doesn’t he?

Anyway, better late than never. Didn’t get photos of everyone. Some people were hiding or making faces…

Mothers Day Twenty Twelve. I love this family. :heart:

Build It and They Will Come

by Kay~Kacey on 5/18/2012

Ah, yes. Our new place in Columbia. Just the beginning phase of building.

road to home

Our driveway. Well, what will be our driveway. Looking from the road towards where our house will be.

start of construction of home

See? They’ve dug it out. It’s going to be a nice little one story house with a walk out basement with lots and LOTS of windows. This next photo is my beautiful meadow.


The builder saved me some big old rocks that I think I’m going to put beside my garden to sit on, or maybe under some trees in the orchard we’re going to put in. Apple trees, peach, pecan. Oh, yes!

more meadow

Here’s the meadow looking another direction. You can just see the telephone wires in the distance.  Oh, and our meadows? They come complete with lots of ticks this year due to the mild winter… 😯

orchard area

This area used to be the pond/lagoon/icky stagnant water thingie. We’ve drained it and we’re filling it in. This is where we’re probably going to put the orchard. In a nice little secret opening on the land.

new house

This is the elm tree that SuperGuy cleared all the nasty Locust trees out from underneath it. And got stuck in the leg with a nasty locust thorn. And we’re currently having a “discussion” on whether or not his leg is infected…

glimpse of new house building siteSo, all roads lead to home…come visit!! It’s supposed to be completed in about 6-ish months. So October, maybe?

We haven’t thought of a name for our new home yet. We’ve had our series of “Love Nests” and we’re thinking of naming this home something else. Considering it took us almost a month to name Murphy, I’m not sure a name will pop up for us any time soon.

Oh, and yes, we still have our home in St. Louis and go back and forth between them. World travelers, don’t you know. Well, state travelers anyway. Back and forth on Hwy 70. Back and forth.