wine on the keyboard


Life in Focus – Talent

by Kay~Kacey on 1/14/2011

Junco bird in winter in St. Louis MO
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best. ~ Henry Van Dyke

I may not be the best photographer out there, but I see improvement daily. I love photography and all it brings to my world. If I had waited to share my photography until I thought I was remarkable? I would have wasted all these pretty darn sweet shots. It seems a waste not to share our talents.

Rambling, I know.

Have a great weekend, my friends.

I’m starting to feel the love

by Kay~Kacey on 1/13/2011

…of this Kenko teleconverter with my 70-200 2.8 lens. Just sayin’

Black Capped Chickadee in the snow

These little guys were holding on for dear life in the strong winds we had.

bird in snow storm

These little black capped chickadees were just holding on to the thistle bird feeder and waiting their turn at the big feeder. You know, when the cardinals will ever give them an chance. I’m always routing for the little guys. :believe:

What Speaks to your Heart?

by Kay~Kacey on 12/20/2010

Do you ever take a photo that just pulls at you? That talks to you? That tugs at your heart. One that you take, process and just fall in love with it? This is one of those photos for me.

female cardinal in the snow

I love the colors. The snow. The “look” on her face. I look at it, and can’t believe I-yes, me- captured that moment. I love photography. I’m just sayin’. I’m so glad that photography found me. :heart:

Why did it take me so long to fall in love with photography??

What have you found that calls to you and speaks to your heart?