wine on the keyboard


This is what it’s really like

by Kay~Kacey on 2/10/2011

After teasing you yesterday, I thought I should show the truth about our weather here. Cold. Bitterly cold.

bird fluffed up in the cold

The birds are all fluffed up in the cold. It is NASTY cold out.

junco on icy branch

Poor birdies out on the icy branches. Does this Junco look cold, or what??

Weirdly enough, after being down in the below zero wind chills…we’re getting up to the upper 40’s this weekend. So they say. SuperGuy has a rare Friday off, and has promised to take me antiquing. You know, still looking for that milk glass lamp shade, along with a few other pieces of furniture for the new Love Nest. So I’ll see you guys again on Monday. Hopefully with photos of some fabulous finds from the antique mall.

Indulge Me

by Kay~Kacey on 1/31/2011

Please indulge me in a bit more of my obsession. Bird photos. Finches, to be exact this time.

finch in winter on branch

Lots of finches. More of my obsession with bird photos over on my photography blog, Kay Pickens St. Louis photographer.

three finches in a tree

Hanging out trying to survive the winter.

yellow finch on tree branch in winter

Just like me. Trying to survive the winter.

pair of finches at the bird feeder

They sing for me sometimes, like they are almost HAPPY in the winter! What’s up with that…

yellow finch on bird feeder harp

Well, excuse me for a bit. I need to go batten down the hatches. It appears they are forecasting the storm of the century for my area. Ice, sleet, freezing rain…then snow. Maybe lots and lots of snow. I keep clinging to my dream world that it will all just slip by us and it will be spring. Anyone care to join me in my fantasy life?

Morning has Broken

by Kay~Kacey on 1/21/2011

Ah, Cat Stevens. I used to love Cat Stevens’ songs. Sigh.

Red Winged Blackbird

Morning has broken Like the first morning,
Blackbird has spoken Like the first bird.
Praise for the singing! Praise for the morning!
Praise for them springing Fresh from the Word!
~ Eleanor Farjeon,

I’m going to have that Cat Stevens song stuck in my head all day. It brings back a rush of high school memories.Do you remember it?