wine on the keyboard


Love Hate Relationship

by Kay~Kacey on 6/25/2012

So I have a love/hate relationship with hollyhocks. There, I’ve said it.

holly hocksThey are pretty, I’ll admit that.

pink hollyhockFor like the one week they look good and the other week they look kind of good.

hollyhocksThen they look horrible and beat up. All that garden space for like 10 days of pretty? I’m so over that…

If a big space in my garden is only going to give me a week of photo op…then it needs to be replanted with something that blooms longer. I’m just sayin’

Anyone want some hollyhocks?? (and is that one word or two??) I think it’s one, because my Apple spellcheck didn’t flag it as one word…)

There’s Always another Use for

by Kay~Kacey on 8/15/2011

There is always, ALWAYS another use for a mason jar!

hydrangeas in mason jar

Ha! I bet you were thinking SuperGuy came up with another use for a kitty litter bucket.

Tricked You!

by Kay~Kacey on 7/11/2011

early spring crocusFor a minute you thought it was spring, didn’t you? Instead of the beastly hot summer. Not really complaining. I’ll take heat over cold and snow anyday!

crocus and daffodil

I took these and processed them and set them to upload to the blog.

crocus in early springYes, well, one thing led to another, and the photos never got posted…

purple crocusDoes that ever happen to you, or am I the only totally disorganized on all thinsgs photo person out there…

yellow crocusAh, well, they are posted now. In all their pretty colors.

As an aside…is the plural of crocus, crocuses or croci?? Hm….