wine on the keyboard


Love is All Around

by Kay~Kacey on 5/1/2008

I saw hearts everywhere today…

redbud leaves

The redbud leaves looked like hearts to me.

lilac leaves

The lilac leaves looked like hearts to me. No, the lilacs didn’t bloom this spring. AGAIN. Why do you ask?? :wallbash:

dogwood flower petal heart

Even the darling dogwood petals look like hearts to me today. I guess I’m just in a hearts and flowers type mood.

In other news. We had LOTS of entries for the Photo of the Month. I’m busy getting that post ready to publish tomorrow. So come back tomorrow and see the photos and vote for your favorite. I know, you guys are just all so excited that you can’t stand it! Right?? Yes, it’s fair to send your blog readers over here to look at the photos and vote in the poll. Heck, send your mom over to vote for your photo! All’s fair in this contest!! May the best woman win. Or man. We’d let men participate if they wanted to. I think. 😉