wine on the keyboard

milk glass

My Welcome Home Present

by Kay~Kacey on 2/28/2010

Or I could title this, A Very Thoughtful Friend!


Look what I find in the mail when I got home!!! Milk glass vases!!! From my kind and thoughtful friend Annie from Tombstone Chronicler!  I love and adore these! Thanks so much, Annie! That was so nice of you to think of me when you saw these.

As most of you know, I have an obsession slight addiction to milk glass. I’m so happy to add these to my collection!

Words of Advice

by Kay~Kacey on 4/11/2009

Some of the boys are headed to town and I plan to revel in the boy noise, so I’ll leave you with some words of advice on this holiday weekend. Even if it’s not a holiday for you, these are good words to remember…


Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.


Or in this case, all your eggs in one milk glass bowl. :mrgreen:

Even SuperGuy

by Kay~Kacey on 3/3/2009

Yes, even SuperGuy is getting into this milk glass thing.


Of course he thought it would be a great place to dump his loose change.  🙄

As an aside…what is it about males and change? Why do they dump piles of it everywhere??  :twocents: I do not understand males… :shakehead:

I think I’ll just go back to using milk glass…for pretty things.
