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wine on the keyboard


Mother Guilt

by Kay~Kacey on 12/7/2008

You know how moms always second guess themselves? We wonder if we should have done things differently? We feel guilty, years later, about the littlest things.

mother guilt

Like this scar on The Geeky One’s face. No, it’s there. Down on his jawline. (under the “no I haven’t shaved” face.)

Here, I’ll point it out to you.

chicken pox scar

That red SCAR on his face. 🙄 So I was looking at him and thinking “I can’t believe I let the chicken pox get out of control like that when he was little, so he has a SCAR from it now.” 🙄 Yes, I realize I’m not being totally rational here. But then, when does a mom have to be totally rational??? I feel guilty every time this SCAR catches my attention. No, don’t tell me that I had to blow up the picture and point it out to you. That doesn’t help. I still feel badly… I feel GUILTY. Yes, just another case of mother guilt.

How about you? Are there some MAJOR relatively minor things that give you a good case of mother’s guilt?

The Winner Is…

by Kay~Kacey on 5/7/2008

May I have the envelope, please? The winner(s) of the April Photo of the Month contest are… (drum roll, please…)

Clematis by Tara from MemawbakesMemories

The Angry Young Chick by Suzanne from Chickens in the Road

Clouds by Becky from Twisted Fence Post.

There were a lot of great photos entered. Congratulations to the winner in each category.

For May, I’m giving you the heads up in advance. I’m picking a theme. May’s Photo of the Month theme is motherhood. Take it and run with it. Anything that it means to you, reminds you of it. A self portrait. A pic of your mom. A photo of your kids. Your best friend’s baby. Something your kids made or gave you.

3 boys

As an aside…here is a scan of old pic of my boys. About 8 years ago. So cute. I’m thinking this motherhood theme is good for me this month. Well, besides May having Mother’s Day in it! I’m kind of melancholy about the whole growing up thing. Kind of. In a weird way. Because I really do enjoy them at this stage of life.

Oh, back to the photo of the month. Or get creative and take up an obscure angle of it. You soaking in the tub at the end of a long hard day. A huge pile of laundry. Use your creativity and your imagination. I’ll be reminding you again at the end of the month, but here’s a heads up so you can be thinking about the theme and taking shots as the month goes along.