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wine on the keyboard

Kacey’s Musings

Yes! It’s that time! Time for the August Photo of the Month Contest. This month’s theme is FLOWERS. Yay! I love flowers. So much that I just noticed that April’s theme was Flowers too! :hide:

oops! Oh, well!

Here are a few photos from my series “Colors Not Usually Found in Nature

lime green flowers

bright blue flower

Leave a link to your image in the comments, or use the contact button on the menu bar to send me your flower photo. Extra credit if you TITLE YOUR PHOTO! You have until midnight on August 31 (Monday) to send me your entry.

Winter has been hard

by Kay~Kacey on 3/11/2009

I thought I’d better go out and investigate a bit. (okay, okay, I was looking for green. I confess.) But what I found was some of the ravages of winter.


It would seem that the flower pots did not fare well this winter.


They didn’t fare well at all. Sigh.

The finches don’t think it’s spring yet either.

We had such a nice, brief glimpse of spring last weekend. I’m not liking the return to winter. Not. At. All.

I might have been wrong.

by Kay~Kacey on 3/8/2009

I know, I know…amazing, huh? But I might have been wrong. Don’t tell SuperGuy though! I’ll never hear the end of it.

Look what I found outside my front door!


A darling purple flower. Yes, in the ground cover that I’ve begged SuperGuy to pull out. We even had a ground cover poll in hopes to convince SuperGuy that it had to go, remember that? (You guys voted that if he kept it he should buy me camera stuff… :love: Love ‘ya guys!)

Anyway, it’s starting to fill in again. (which will annoy me later this spring when it chokes out my daffodils and tulips…but I digress…) But for now, it has pretty little purple flowers on it. I love anything with color this time of year!

Yes, if SuperGuy see this he’s going to say “I told you so.” Sigh. Hate that. :mad2:

In other news. I updated the WordPress plugin for the polls that I use on this blog. I broke all the old polls. :angry: They changed something in the code to make it compatible with something in the newer versions of WordPress. I had to go back and find each poll, edit the post, and manually change the code for each poll.  Took forever. :wallbash: I was exhausted and forced to go sit down and have a Blue Moon. :beer: The things I do for you guys. :crazy: ( I appear to be on a smilie roll today… :coffee2: )

(If you missed yesterday’s post, go hop back and read it. I announced the theme for the photo of the month contest for March).