wine on the keyboard

April 2010

Allium Splendor-2010

by Kay~Kacey on 4/22/2010

Ah, my allium have started to bloom again this year!

allium-6580So pretty. So delicate. So purple. (okay, really kind of lilac colored…but that is still purple!)

allium-6582Yes, I know they are part of the onion family. I don’t care. Maybe that’s why the deer leave them alone!

We keep saying we’re going to put out more of them, but forget to do it each year… :mad2: THIS year we’re going to remember!!

allium-6594We do have a batch of them just starting to bloom down in the woods. I’m sure I’ll have lots more photo ops with them! I heart purple flowers!

As an aside…are you looking for some new great textures? One photographer that I adore and admire, Annie Manning {Paint the Moon} has some great new textures available. Check them out!

Genetic Abnormalities

by Kay~Kacey on 4/21/2010

Yes, there a few genetic defects in our family line. Like the males don’t like cake.


They insist on Birthday Cookie Cake. (Yuck.) Now, while I don’t feel like it’s all my fault…but we have pinpointed that it’s  a trait that runs on MY side of the family. . . because here you see my nephew…and my sister has evidently passed on this genetic defect to HER boys.

But, wait! There’s more!!


They don’t like much icing on their cookie cakes!!! I mean, seriously! What is wrong with these males?? (yes, you are seeing my sister’s HANDS in these photos. Amazing I was even able to get those!) Here my sister is scraping off the icing for the birthday boy! (kind of reminds me of cutting off the crusts on their peanut butter sandwiches when they were in grade school. Sigh. I miss that….no, wait!!! I don’t miss that!! Nevermind!)


Yep, they like their cookie cake naked! 😯


For the record? They also all Hate. Chocolate. Cake!  I KNOW! My sister and I are so embarrassed about out parenting skills. Sigh. :crazy: Good thing they are all so cute!

My Sister

by Kay~Kacey on 4/20/2010

You have no idea…

sister-6535…how hard it is for me, as a photographer…

sister-6558to have a sister who refuses to have her picture taken.


Really, it is such an experience trying to get one photo of her at any family gathering…


Here is SuperGuy, trying to stay out of it. You know, a little sisterly competition never hurts anybody…. She ducks, she hides…but in the end…


I WON!!!

(Yes, I know, here is where you say she looks like me…’cause she does, doesn’t she??!)