wine on the keyboard

April 2010

Just to let you Know

by Kay~Kacey on 4/27/2010


I thought you’d like to know…


that no matter what you think…

red-flowers-6658I’m an equal opportunity photographer. I don’t ONLY photograph purple flowers. I’ve been known to hunt down a red flower or two in my day.

That’s all. Just wanted to set everyone straight. :mrgreen:

After the Storms

by Kay~Kacey on 4/26/2010


Ah, after the storms, came the rainbow! Not just a tiny bit of rainbow either!


A full all across the sky rainbow! Isn’t it lovely? :love:

SuperGuy is so well trained cares about me so much that he called me from the Toy Store Home Depot to run outside and catch the rainbow with my camera. I call that true devotion, don’t you?? :love2:

(okay, to be honest, a lot of people call me and take care of me. My cousin called the other night to tell me to step outside and capture the moon…)

Anyway, I’m off looking for my pot of gold…wonder which side is the END of the rainbow…anybody know???

If It Ever Stops Storming

by Kay~Kacey on 4/25/2010


Yep, if it ever stops storming here, it will be time to plant a bunch of spring flowers. Here is my stash of pots just waiting to be filled…

Are you guys getting those nasty spring storms raging through where you live? We’ve had some wicked ones in the last few days! (I really need to get a new roof on my office…. :mad2: )