wine on the keyboard

November 2010

Oh Dear…Not Deer

by Kay~Kacey on 11/23/2010

Dumb Darn Deer.

Poor SuperGuy… His beautiful truck was hit by a deer last night. Stupid deer are just all over the place around our house. So, not only are they eating our plants, they are bounding into our vehicles. Well, his vehicle. His beloved truck. (we had just had a discussion on which vehicle to take…and decided on taking his truck instead of my car. Is it wrong that my first thought, after I knew we were okay,…was “darn glad it wasn’t MY car” :nono: mybad.)

deer damage to truck

Okay, and can I just say how hard it is to take a photo of a shiny truck and get the smashed up side to show up? I did, however, catch a fetching photo of myself, don’t you think? Too bad the deer hit both the side of the truck bed AND the truck door. You know, so it will cost more $$ to get it fixed. :mad2:  The timing is so excellent too, you know ’cause it’s not like we’re closing on a house next week or anything.  :wallbash:

As an aside, we were headed over to my parents to bring them dinner. Which just goes to show-no good deed goes unpunished.

I don’t even enjoy looking out in my backyard and seeing these deer anymore… but I still can’t resist taking their picture… :hairpull:

(and because I’m tired and braindead, it appears I posted TWO posts today! Double bonus… :typing: )

I wonder if snow will stop them…

by Kay~Kacey on 11/23/2010

Seriously. Still blooming.

Do they not know it is autumn? Almost winter?

I would guess not, since they hang on through the frost.

yellow fall flower

I know one of these days I’ll look out my kitchen window and they’ll be gone. But for now? I’m still so enjoying them. Do you have anything still blooming where you live?

He Annoys Me Sometimes

by Kay~Kacey on 11/22/2010

So SuperGuy has been bugging the crud out of me :argue: asking me over and over and over Well, he’s mentioned a few times that these 3 innocent little beer bottles out on the counter were annoying him.

beer bottles Abita Yuengling

“Can we recycle these”

“No, I want them for a blog post”

“Can we recycle these?”

“No, I want them for a blog post.”

Well, it went on for quite awhile because, you know…I wanted. them. for. a. blog. post. I was going to get all creative and write a meaningful post about how my change in beer drinking habits parallel my changes in my life. 😆

Anyway…started out being a Budlight drinker. Middle of the road, not too exciting, don’t rock the boat, people pleaser.

Then moved on to beer like Corona. Small step out of the box.

(pardon the heavy texture phase…I couldn’t find the original PSD file to re-edit this.)

Moving onto Blue Moon–finding my way.

Then finally figuring myself out. Trying new things. More pleased with my choices.

Anyway…I wanted to mess around and take some artsy fartsy photos of my new favorite beers…for those of you who have known me through all of my beer/life stages…

beer bottle on deck

The Last Beers of Summer

And yes, dear, you can recycle the beer bottles now…