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Search: rudolph

Merry Christmas from the Happy Couple

by Kay~Kacey on 12/24/2010

rudolph and clariceRudolph and Clarice, of course!

May your holidays be filled with family and friends. Laughter and song.

Rudolph the red nosed reindeerMay you find a bit of quiet time too. It’s always nice to find a bit of quiet among the chaos.

hermie the dentistHere is Hermie, my second favorite dentist in the whole wide world. :heart:

The abomidable snowman Stay safe and healthy over the holidays…and don’t let The Abominable Snowman get you!! (but if he does, remember, Bumbles Bounce!..what that has to do with anything, well, I’m not sure…)

Merry Christmas!

Yes, I’m Dorky Like That

by Kay~Kacey on 12/21/2010

In my quest for all things Rudolph….

Rudolph for you Car

Look what The Geeky One and his Adorable Wife got me for my car!  Notice the red nose and the antlers. I love this as only a dorky Rudolph lover could!

Everyone that knows me, knows that I’m a bit of a Rudolph fanatic fan.


I love all things Rudolph. When it airs, it’s my official kick-off to the holiday season.So I see the commercial for it!  Okay, Wednesday, December 2 at 7pm on CBS. YAY!! (I also have a good friend, Tori, who ALWAYS emails me and reminds me it’s coming on!)


So I get ready to text my boys, to make sure they don’t miss it!!  :rofl:

(Okay, it’s kind of a tag-you’re-it to see who gets caught and has to watch it with me.) So I double check the time on the TV listing…


I look at the listing and KMOV has decided, in their infinite wisdom to preempt Rudolph with….get this… Great Day In St. Louis!!! Really, first of all, I’ve never met one person in my life who has ever watched Great Day in St. Louis. Second of all, it’s like almost unamerican to not show Rudolph!!! Think of all the disappointed children (okay, and ME) all across the St. Louis area!!! After CBS ran all those commercials this week, tempting me with the joy of Rudolph this week.

I. Am. Not. Amused.


Hermie, my second most favorite dentist in the world. :love:

Don’t tell me to watch the DVD. It is SO not the same thing. I would miss the silly Norelco commercials with Santa riding on the Norelco shaver!! Christmas will just not be the same this year. At. All. I’m so done with KMOV. They should be ashamed of themselves!! It’s not nice to disappoint children! (and me…)   :frown: