wine on the keyboard

Watch Out Vegas

by Kay~Kacey on 7/25/2012

The boys are coming to town…

mean boy

Rumor has it that 20 + males are hitting Vegas this weekend for our oldest’s bachelor party. I’m not sure Vegas is ready for them.

whats wrong

I’m sure they’ll be okay….and not cause much trouble…she said, hopefully.

up to no good

they look innocent enough

whats up


I’m not sure how these little boys got to the grown up stage

young boys

They grow up so quickly…

But can I just say…what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas…I’m sure this mama doesn’t want to hear about 99% of the stuff that will go on this weekend. Stay safe. Be good. Have fun. (in that order…)

Never-ending Heat and Drought

by Kay~Kacey on 7/20/2012

Seriously, I can’t remember a summer this hot for so many days in a row, and this dry. Dry. Dry. We haven’t had any significant rain since before we started building our house at the beginning of May. We’ve lost a few trees, some bushes…our yard is a joke. No tomatoes. My lilac that finally bloomed doesn’t look very good…

But I’m always surprised at the survivors. The flowers that weather the drought.

zinnia flower

A few zinnias have survived where all the other flowers in the garden have succumbed to the heat and drought.

pale pink flower

A few random flowers that I don’t even like have survived…but that’s another story….

This pale zinnia with its hint of lilac is so pretty, braving it’s way up between a lot of burned out foliage.

pale yellow zinnia

Well, we all do whatever it takes to survive the heat and the dry weather, now don’t we?

white wine

So how are your flowers and gardens surviving this summer? And what are you doing to survive the heat??

Adventures in Gardening

by Kay~Kacey on 7/16/2012

I just want to show you this green pepper while I can…

green pepper in gardenIsn’t she pretty? Well, green peppers don’t agree with SuperGuy, but I thought I’d grow some for me…’cause I love them. So, of course I took this pretty picture of the pepper. Then waited a week to pick it. Yup. A bit rotted on the bottom a week later, doggoneit! ..but I’m still going to stuff it and eat gosh darn it!!! I’m not going to let it go the way of my green beans!!!  The deer stripped the green beans clean the next day.

Yes, I’m detecting a trend. Photograph something in the garden and it’s gone or ruined in a few days… I could leave my camera inside when I go check the garden…maybe….