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wine on the keyboard


The China Cabinet

by Kay~Kacey on 2/7/2013

I interrupt my constant sunrise and sunset photos to show you my newest antiquing find. After looking for over a year, I found this fabulous cabinet to keep some of my food photography props in. I’m seriously in love with it.

antique china cabinet

I had to do some major cleaning up of the wood and glass. Then I used furniture oil on it. Now it looks so pretty.

The wood just intriques me. So pretty. So much grain.
tiger oak cabinet


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, of course, I spend all my time rearranging the items in the cabinet and on top of the cabinet. I mean, it’s like a full time job 😉

food photography props in antique cabinet

Anyway, I just wanted to share my newest find. Looks so good in my new office!

Quiet Time

by Kay~Kacey on 9/6/2012

Sometimes the only way to get through a day is to take a quiet break. A tea break is one of my quiet times of choice.

tea time

Even better since I can use one of my grandmother’s antique teacups. Makes me smile every time I use it. Oh, and the teaspoon? That was from my grandmother’s everyday set. I rescued it from my mother’s basement. I just love things like that. Things that link me to my ancestors. Think how many times my grandparents and my mom used that teaspoon. How many times I did as a child. But you know I’m kind of an antiques nut anyway, don’t you?

Anyway…what do you do when you need to take a short break? What’s your quiet time of choice?

(I should have more house construction photos to show soon! Cabinets are in! Some of the flooring! Some of the trim! It’s really starting to look like a real live house.)

A Whole Lot of Work Left to Do

by Kay~Kacey on 11/23/2009

I’m having Thanksgiving at my house. We always have Thanksgiving here. It’s SuperGuy’s fault. He got my family addicted to his fried turkeys. The downside? I no longer rotate Thanksgiving between my sister, my mom, and our house.

This year I decided to make it even more stressful…My mom gave me my grandmother’s china. :love:


Why is that stressful, you may ask? Because it’s all boxed up and needs to be washed. Notice the headline on the newspaper. When is the last time you saw a Watergate headline??


Oh, when I said it needed to be washed? I meant hand washed. It is handpainted Noritake china. From what I can research, it was made somewhere between 1914 and 1940. (does my blog show the extra space between the one and the nine on your browser?? I can’t figure out why it’s doing that…) Anyway, I’m going to the library to do some more checking into it. My grandmother had twelve place settings. And when I say place settings I mean:

Dinner Plates, salad plates, dessert plates, small bowls, coffee cups, saucers, more bowls, covered serving bowl, serving bowl, creamer, sugar, platter…oh, heck, I’m sure I’m forgetting some of it. That’s a whole lot of hand washing going on…


The pattern is really pretty, and very antique-y and I love and adore it. (If you just happen to know this Noritake pattern, you could speak up now. The mark on the back is green, with the M (not the newer N that Noritake used in later years. It says handpainted and Japan under the wreath.)

Anyway, the best thing about this? My mother is taking MY china. You remember my china. The china I mentioned that I don’t like anymore?


Anyway, it will look fantastic in her dining room. It’s Noritake too.


But I have to box up all of my china. Wash the new china…and pull off Thanksgiving for everyone…


This is what my dining room looks like right now with my grandmother’s china unboxed, my china waiting to be boxed up…oh, and all the stuff that was in my garden window dumped onto my dining room table. Save me… :help:

Usually by the weekend before Thanksgiving I have the house cleaned. Pies made. Dining room all clean and set up and ready to go. Tell me I’m going to pull it off this year. That we’ll actually be able to have Thanksgiving in this room.

Did I mention I have a painter here this week too? Traipsing around doing doors and stairways??

Tell me it will all turn out. You can even lie to me if you want! Why do I do things like this…

It will be really, really cool to have Thanksgiving off of my grandmother’s china though. If I have it all hand washed by then…