wine on the keyboard

baby boomer toys

Whee-lo the Ultimate Desk Toy

by Kay~Kacey on 4/22/2008

So a lot of you commented about my 13 things on my desk. About my Whee-lo toy. I love my whee-lo toy.


Of course I thought it was Wheelo, not Whee-lo so my googling for information and a place for you to get one was stumped for a bit… Cracker Barrel has them, but their online shop shows them with colors on the inside of the wheel instead of the holes. Not sure what is up with that. You can’t improve on a classic! Besides it’s cool to watch the holes on the wheel spin…

vintage wheelo

I consider it a kind of vintage toy. Whatever vintage might mean to you. I play with it when I’m stuck with my writing.

playing with whee-lo

I play with it when I’m avoiding paying bills.

wheel spinning on wheelo

I play with it when I should be cooking dinner. Doing laundry…well, you get the picture. I’m so mature like that. I love to watch the wheel spin as I rock the whee-lo up and down. It goes up one side of the rail, then down the other. Spinning wheel. Up and down. Up and down. Wait, I’m still here. I was playing with my toy.

whee-lo toy

You notice he likes to be photographed. He’s agreeable like that. How do I know my wheelo is a male? Come on, shiny and has a wheel. Has to be male.

I don’t know if you’re old enough to have had one of these as a child, but I’m just so excited I found one again. :secret: (I even had one in my desk drawer when I worked at SuperGuy’s office. Don’t tell him!!) It’s like the ultimate baby boomer toy. I love my wheelo. Well, not as much as SuperGuy or my kids or my camera. But it comes in a close tie with them. Sometimes comes out ahead of the other males in the house, come to think of it…

Have you ever had a whee-lo? Any toy from your childhood that especially stays in your memories?