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wine on the keyboard


Bountiful Harvest

by Kay~Kacey on 6/6/2012

Well, not. It appears that this might be our lone green bean producing plant. But I’m stupidly excited about it!!

green bean plant…and for some reason, it’s in the middle of the flower garden, not our incredibly tiny veggie garden. Well, we call it a veggie garden…but really, it just basically provides basil and mint for mojitos all summer… :hysterical:

Okay, it does have one tomatoe plant. Some asparagus we’ve been trying to grow for 3 years now…and this one bean plant. Just not enough sun in the backyard to grow much. But wait until we have a super sized garden at the new place in Columbia!!! Next year, my friends. Next year.

The Chives of Summer

by Kay~Kacey on 5/30/2008


Look! My chives have a flower. Okay, don’t laugh, but I didn’t know that chives bloomed. Are they supoposed too? Do you leave the bloom? Pluck it?

herbs under the snow

Remember when the poor little guy was buried under the snow??

chive flower closeup

Now it’s so pretty with its little bloom! I really should learn more about growing herbs since I love to cook with them. For now I’ll just enjoy this pretty lavender bloom right out my kitchen door. Do you guys grow herbs? What kinds? Do you grow any in containers, ’cause that’s what I’ll have to do. Our backyard is all shade, but I do get sun on the deck.

Photo of the Month Reminder:

Tomorrow May 31 by midnight is the last day to submit a photo for May’s Photo of the Month. May’s Photo of the Month theme is motherhood. Take it and run with it. Anything that it means to you, reminds you of it. A self portrait. A pic of your mom. A photo of your kids. Your best friend’s baby. Something your kids made or gave you. Get creative and take up an obscure angle of it. You soaking in the tub at the end of a long hard day. A huge pile of laundry. Use your creativity and your imagination.

Please send your links to me using the contact button in the menu bar of the website. Thanks and good luck!

Herb Garden

by Kay~Kacey on 3/6/2008

Well, herb garden…almost…

herb pots

So what does any normal woman do when she’s snowed under a foot of snow? Well, plan her herb garden, of course! Well, except I can’t have a real garden. We have no sun in our backyard in the summer. A bit on the back deck, so I’m confined to container gardening. I do love to grow my herbs though. Basil. Mint for mojitos. :mrgreen: Chives. Oregano. I try just about anything and everything. I think I’ll try catnip this year. Always nice to annoy the Black Beasts. They went NUTS over the new scratching post with catnip we got them…

That’s one thing I miss about our farm out of New Orleans. We had one big, bad garden. Huge. Miss it terribly. But I get by with my container herbs. And we don’t have hurricanes here in the midwest…

We’re going to start the herbs from seeds inside this year. I’m just not banking on an early spring, you know?
herb garden under snow

As a total aside, well, not total. Just a bit aside. I really need to find a better paint to use for painting these clay pots. They looked so nice and colorful when I first painted them. You know how I love splashes of color! But now the paint is mostly peeled off. They look kind of worn and tired. (can clay pots look tired??)

So go ahead. Tell me. Do you have a wonderful garden? Full of vegetables and herbs and flowers? Let me be jealous. I’ll deal with it. I think. Do you grow herbs, and what ones are your favorites?