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wine on the keyboard

The Never Ending To Do List

by Kay~Kacey on 4/1/2008

So, I’ve come to realize the hardest part of vacationing is coming home. Back to the mundane things that are lfe. Laundry, cleaning, bill paying, etc. The never ending to do list of existing in life. The stuff we sometimes let take hold of us and choke out the really important things.


Oh, I’m not saying to just not pay the mortgage or the electric bill, but sometimes we let the things on “the list” take over our lives. Going away for a week, away from the list, away from the constant yammering of things that have to get done– Or we think have to get done RIGHT NOW–is a good thing.

Of course, that list is still waiting when we get back. But today I looked at that list. The list I made before I even left of vacation.

To Do When I Get Home.

Then I added to it this weekend after we got back. 🙄

Get serious. How much of that HAS to get done. Today I crossed off all the “would be nice to get done but no one dies or goes hungry if I don’t do them” items. Very freeing.

Yes, I know, eventually I’ll have to get around to doing most of those things on my list, but for today? I just did a few things on the list and enjoyed being back home.

edited 6:20 pm
Last chance to send me your favorite picture of March. Okay, too late! I’ve got the post ready for tomorrow! Just wait until you see the photos this month!! (see how to participate here.)

Hillbilly2 April 1, 2008 at 7:20 am

It’s easy to get caught up in everyday “must do’s”. 🙁 Vacation seems to bring us back to the “is it really necessary”. :cool2: Enjoy it while you can. And thanks for remininding me to slow down a litte and enjoy the amaryllis. :beer:

Meg April 1, 2008 at 8:15 am

Hi there sweetie, I LOVE your blog! Thanks so much for stopping by today. You officially have a new fan, I can’t wait to read all your stuff. I am a huge fan of traveling, so I need to go find out all about your vacation! :love:

I HATE coming back to reality after being “away”…the last day “away” is always so hard for me! Do the things that you HAVE to do and work back in to your routine slowly, you are right about your never ending to do list!

Hugs from Texas!

Meg April 1, 2008 at 8:17 am

Forgot to add, email me at, I would like to invite you to join something, for gals OUR age!!

Suzanne April 1, 2008 at 8:54 am

I wish somebody would mark off half of my list….

Shirley April 1, 2008 at 9:05 am

I tend to ignore my list more than I used to. Living by myself allows me to do that.

I love the pic you have posted today.

Elizabeth April 1, 2008 at 10:21 am

Hi, I found you via Shutter Sisters. Lovely photo. The soft lighting perfectly highlights the flower.

Mental P Mama April 1, 2008 at 11:00 am

List? Just play at all day. Welcome home. :typing:

LoryKC April 1, 2008 at 11:39 am

I have no photo but I’ve got a list! (In fact, I was complaining yesterday that I started many of the things on my list but finished none of them. Yet, we all survived!)
I’ve decided to put “have a cup of coffee and sit at the computer” at the top of my list for the moment. The rest of the listed tasks aren’t going anywhere…I’ll get there! :coffee:

Mary April 1, 2008 at 1:59 pm

What’s the opposite of an anal-retentive list-maker? Because that’s me. I’m probably more of a lazy, messy, don’t-care-if-my-house-is-dusty, lay-around-and-eat-bon-bons SLOTH!

Oh, and did I say I was lazy?

Christine April 1, 2008 at 9:04 pm

Oh darn! I forgot about the monthly photo! It was on my to-do list!!! :wallbash:

Kate April 1, 2008 at 9:08 pm

Looking forward to tomorrow’s post of the Photo of the Month for March!

Everything will get done. Always does, doesn’t it?


colleen April 3, 2008 at 10:12 pm

I like the idea of a photo of the month. I hope to remember to play for next month, if you’re still doing it.

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