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wine on the keyboard

The Love Nest is Moving

by Kay~Kacey on 11/15/2010

Yes, folks, The Love Nest is moving. After 3 years of apartment life over in Columbia…We’ve kind of hit our limit. Not that we didn’t love our little Love Nest over there. Though the insulation was non-existent. We’re also tired of the 3 flights of stairs. So we decided to start looking for a nice little house over there. Well, we found one, and barring any problems with inspections, we’re scheduled to move into the house the first week of December! (Knock on wood)

columbia-houseIt’s a cute little 3 bedroom/2 bath house.  Guess which room gets painted first??? Yes, the “screen saver blue” room has to go. (SuperGuy’s name for it.) The house backs up to some land the town owns, so hopefully it won’t get developed behind us. It has a nice little gas fireplace too, see that?

columbia-house-2It has the fridge already, so we really just need to get a washer/dryer and we’re set to go. I’m stupidly excited about having a garage. Very tired of parking way down the parking lot at the apartment.

Annie, if you’re reading this, it’s on the east side of town, off the Lake of the Woods exit. South. Fairly near your parents.

It’s about 15-20 minutes closer to St. Louis, which is nice for the commute back and forth. It’s about 5 minutes from SuperGuy’s work, so that is nice too. SuperGuy is working about 8-10 days a month over in Columbia, so it will be nice to have a home over there too.

The best part? The house payment is less than what we pay in rent for our apartment… :rofl: The housing market over there is so depressed right now. Plus we’ll be building up equity, instead of just throwing rent away each month…and did I mention it has a garage? …and no three flights of stairs to get into it?? :love:

So you’ll get to follow along as we decorate the house. I’m sure I’ll have moving stories galore.


Oh, and The Impish One? If you’d like to collect some friends/roommates for the first weekend in December, we’ll throw money at you to help us move! :woot: Or food. Or both!

Janice November 15, 2010 at 8:42 am

Cute, cute, cute!!! BTW, that blue room is the exact shade of Jessi’s room.

Mental P Mama November 15, 2010 at 10:23 am


annbb November 15, 2010 at 10:59 am

YIPPEE! You’re going to be right around the corner! What a sweet home – and what fun to decorate something from the ground up! When I come home going west, I always get off at the Lake of the Woods exit and then talk that back road over to WW.
I’m definitely coming to MO in April – don’t think I’ll be back before then – and will call/come by.

Dew Drops November 15, 2010 at 12:21 pm

That is a very cute house, and will probably seem like a veritable mansion if its a lot bigger than the apartment. Its so much fun to decorate a new place, put your own touches in it and make it your own. Congradulations on your new abode!!

Tori Lennox November 15, 2010 at 1:23 pm

The house is adorable!!!

mary November 16, 2010 at 5:11 pm

What a beautiful place, kacey! Best of luck, and may you have many happy years there! 🙂

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