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wine on the keyboard


Things that Upset Me

by Kay~Kacey on 4/28/2010

You know my lilac bush that I’m been trying to coax into blooming for like 6 years??


yes, well….


Not blooming. Again. BUT WAIT!!! What is that underneath the big lilac bush???


Why it’s a 67 CENT, yes I said CENT bush that SuperGuy bought last fall and dumped into the ground beneath my lilac bush.

lilac-6697-2What do we see on this 67 cent lilac bush??

lilac-6696 Well, yes, I do believe there are lilac blooms on this 67 cent lilac bush. :mad2:

I. Give. Up. My lilac is never going to bloom, but SuperGuy’s 67 cent lilac bush…twig really….grew and bloomed this year. Life is not fair sometimes… :cool2:

The Little Lilac Bush that Could-Part 2

by Kay~Kacey on 3/29/2010

So, last year we had this nice discussion on whether my lilac bush would bloom…  well, it never did.


I have very high hopes again this year. Well, of course, I’ve had high hopes for like the last 6 years…ever since we moved this lilac bush due to a “chopping down tree incident” :mad2:

I talk to it. I give it love. I encourage it. I photograph the lilac bush!


Don’t you think it should finally, FINALLY bloom for me this year???