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wine on the keyboard


First Signs of Spring

by Kay~Kacey on 3/13/2008

Ever since our last snowfall of the winter, I’ve been waiting for spring. (okay, it was only last week when we had a foot of snow, but I’m so over it now.)
snow and 70 degrees So lo and behold, it got up to 70 degrees today!! Not that the snow on the deck realized that… But I was still hopeful!
woods still pretty dreary
So I headed out into the woods in search of spring. Yes, I know. The woods still look drab and dreary. But I had a hopeful heart. I was ready. I DEMANDED a sign of spring.
first signs of spring flowers
And I got it! Look!!! A tulip! Or possibly a daffodil. I can never tell until they get higher. SuperGuy planted tulips and daffodils all through the woods in the backyard. Mom sent the bulbs for a lot of them from Holland when they were over there on a trip. So the flowers have a lot of sentimental value besides being just darn beautiful. Yes, I know, I’m sappy like that.
more flowers pushing up through the ground Look again!! More by the fence post! It IS going to be spring just real soon now! I’m so happy!

bare feet and snow
Well, you’ve seen my toenails painted to match flowers, now you can see me barefoot in the snow. Almost. With naked nails, ’cause I said to myself, “Kacey, who’s going to see your toenails in those heavy wool socks you wear in the winter?” Who knew??

How about you? Any signs of spring where you live?