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wine on the keyboard

Black and White Challenge Results

by Kay~Kacey on 2/18/2008

Okay, I tried on this. Really tried. I had mixed results. Here is my first attempt. Not so good no matter what I tried.
Corona Black and WhiteI’m not really sure why I’m even showing you this one, except I started to learn what pictures would translate better into black and white as I went along.

My next one. It’s okay, but the warmth in his eyes in the color photo is totally lost.
black and white deer

Well, of COURSE you knew I’d try the difficult Amaryllis. Still not a perfect shot. Sigh.
black and white amaryllis

And my favorite. I decided I like converted photos of people to black and white the best. Here is SuperGuy in black and white. Caught him watching something on TV.

black and white SuperGuy

Now, links to other people who took up the challenge:

From Tracey at Nine Acres I want to be her when I grow up. This photograph is wonderful! (and thanks for the diffuse glow trick!)

This one from Christine at Hogue Chronicles captures the expression on this adorable want to eat ’em up child’s face.

Jeannelle from Midlife by Farmlight converted this shot. She converted a pic of Queen’s Anne lace. Don’t we wish it were blooming now?? And I don’t know why, but the name of her blog just amuses me no end!

Kate ( :secret: who loves my smilies) from Chronicles of a Country Girl She agrees with me that people are great black and white subjects, and she’s added a soft edge and border and explains how she did it!

OH, and Kate can’t quit…she did it again She just can’t stop herself… :mad2:

Cheryl St. John tried it on quite of few photos. Of course, I like the birdhouse one the best. But then you all know I’m into birds. Though the cloud one is calling to me too.

Ann from The Tombstone Chronicler did an amazing one of a foggy day. And she also did one on Sunday-a family photo.

Laura from RealDirt has her pics here. Look, she has turkeys too!!

Thanks for all who participated. If I missed anyone, drop a comment here and I’ll add you to the list. It was fun, wasn’t it? I learned a lot. Had fun trying different types of photos and different adjustments.

Tracey February 18, 2008 at 8:48 am

Everyone did such a great job! I checked them all out and was impressed with everyone!

somepinkflowers February 18, 2008 at 9:24 am

well, missy,
i liked
your B&W dear deer
and your B&W dear hunky-hunk…



i like my flowers
mostly *pink*

but that is just me…

Miz Booshay February 18, 2008 at 11:37 am

I agree that people look great in black and white.

But you know Ansel Adams would disagree :o)
He is the facous black and white landscape photographer.

I think there needs to be a lot of contrast.

Sometimes i decide by the look of the photo….
And then i try it in black and white…

Does Elements have levels?
Sliders to add more white and black?

Kacey February 18, 2008 at 12:11 pm

Hey, my very organized has a great Ansel Adams print in his apartment.

Yes, Elements has levels. I used those on my black and white conversions.

somepinkflowers…go figure, you like your photos with pink. Of course, I guess you could do those black and white photos with just a touch of color in them.

Maybe in a few weeks, I’ll do a challenge on that…

Christine February 18, 2008 at 12:47 pm

Selective coloring is fun…

You should do a challenge Kacey like this:

It is actually quite easy to do this technique. 🙂

Christine February 18, 2008 at 12:49 pm

I just thought of something… why don’t we rotate challenges? All those who want to participate takes turns issuing a photographic challenge? Could be fun to see what each person comes up with…

just an idea…

Tori Lennox February 18, 2008 at 12:55 pm

I’m loving all the pictures! But it would be fun to see the before and after shots.

And SuperGuy looks very hunky in that shot!

Kacey February 18, 2008 at 2:51 pm

Tori, on my next challenge, I’m going to see if we post our before and after shots. That’s a great idea.

Christine, yes, that photo is exactly what I was talking about with just one or a few things colorized. I’m going to issue that challenge in a few weeks. Don’t want to challenge people out.

But anyone could do a challenge if they want. I just didn’t want to take over too many people’s blogging content by issuing them too often. I was thinking I’d do them about twice a month.

Jeannelle February 18, 2008 at 3:16 pm


Thanks for the challenge…….great idea! Fun to see all the photos.

Mental Pause Mama February 18, 2008 at 3:31 pm

Those are all beautiful.

Melissa Marsh February 18, 2008 at 3:47 pm

I really like the last one!

bleeding espresso February 18, 2008 at 4:50 pm

I *love* people shots in black and white; I’m convinced that’s why some of those yesteryear movie stars always look so very glamorous 😉

Christine February 20, 2008 at 3:40 am

YAY!!! I got a photo converted and blogged! Hope you like it!

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